Music: Eny G Nkanta – Rise

Enobong Samuel Nkanta also known as Eny G Nkanta is a music Artiste, & a movie Producer.
Born November 18th, a proud daughter of Eket LGA in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.
She is versatile in her career as a Song Writer, Singer, a Script Writer & a movie star.
Eny G is a graduate of Mass Communication, First student to produced a movie titled “THE DUET” as her final year project, The movie was directed by Finest Uwoma & produced by Eny-G.
Her success story though pathetic has helped her to rise from Orphanhood to a record breaker academically n now leaving her career dreams.
The song RISE is a call to every talented woman & child to rise up and break barrier to make success in life. Anticipate as the hit song drops on Sun,25th March,2018.