
Trump in the Bible?

The scriptures are written in parables, metaphors and allegories thereby obfuscating inherent spiritual messages.

In the Psalms (78:2) and Proverbs (1:6), the Bible refers to these as “dark sayings” while in Matthew (13:35) it says “I will open my mouth in parables.” In their timelessness, these dark sayings have been uncannily relevant to the affairs of man over the ages and the capacity to decode them is usually perceived as mysterious.

This piece takes a studied look at the Book of Revelations within contemporary global affairs with special reference to world leadership and the place and role of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America (US).

Revelation (13:2) reads thus: “And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” Verse 4 says “they worshiped the beast, saying: Who is able to make war with him?” In verse 5 it is written that “power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.”

Subjecting the above to critical analysis, we note that there are four elements of interest in 13:2 thus: (1) like unto a leopard, (2) his feet were as the feet of a bear, (3) his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and (4) the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” A fifth element of interest is found in verse 4: “Who is able to make war with him?” In verse 5, we note the sixth element thus: “power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.”

These six elements shall be the focus of analysis:
“Like unto a Leopard”
A distinguishing feature of the leopard is a multiplicity of spots. Applied to a person, this means a multiplicity of points of view and shades of opinion. A common saying about the leopard is that it “does not change its spots.” Within the context of this analysis, this refers to bad traits and habits that individuals are not able to kick. President Donald Trump has lived up to this statement; he has not been able to adjust to the behavioral patterns expected of a President of the US.

“Feet were as…a Bear”
The bear is known for its hugeness, heavy feet and resultant sluggish movement. Compared to three immediate-past Presidents, Trump can pass for a bear given his size and age; his movement is comparatively very sluggish, like that of a bear.

“Mouth as…a Lion”
One of the major characteristics of a lion is its ferocious speed. So “mouth as a lion” is in reference to talkativeness in an office that requires a mastery of taciturnity, body language and the art of leaving others to second guess what is on the mind of the incumbent. Compared to others Presidents in the modern history of the US and taken within the context of his penchant for the social media, Trump is motor mouth; he does not realize the enormity of power packed by his words not only in the US but across the world.

“Who is able to make war with him?”
In the current global power equation, the US is considered the strongest nation on earth irrespective of the emergence of other nations jostling for space in that category of catastrophe. Resultantly, being the personification of the US, Trump is the strongest man on earth.

“The Dragon gave him his Power, and his Seat, and Great Authority.”
Based on the one-man-one-vote essence of democracy, the US electorate voted for Hilary Clinton as President. However, by the mechanism of the Electoral College, which is peculiar to US democracy, Donald Trump won the elections. Almost one year into office, the controversy of foreign meddling in the US elections of 2016 still rages. US electorate did not give Trump “power… his seat and great authority,” the meddlesomeness of the Dragon did. Speculations are rife and all fingers point towards Russia and China. Chinese mythology holds that the Dragon is the forebear of the people.

“Power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.”

Trump was sworn in on Tuesday, January 3, 2017. A simple count from that point vis-à-vis forty-two months (three years and five months) takes us to May 2020. Does this imply a date with destiny?

Eschatology or the Decline of the US?
Donald Trump is the forty-fifth President of the US. In the science of numerology, the number nine (four pus five) is the peak of all numbers; some even say it is the number of God. From Jesus to the present, the preaching of Christians has been eschatological, “end time” ministry. Does Trump have a date with destiny in May 2020? Is the human race finally at the end time or are we only watching the beginning of the decline of the US as the numero uno world power? In other words, has the US peaked in global power play? Now that Pyongyang has demonstrated the missile capacity of reaching all parts of the US, is humanity on the cusp?

Can humanity survive a nuclear conflagration? Was Bob Marley wrong when he sang: “have no fear for atomic energy, for none of them can stop the time?” Will our cosmic neighbors intervene? Questions, questions, questions!!! Am I suffering from acute paranoia?

Jason Osai

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