Top court debates Israel coalition deal; Netanyahu’s future at stake
Israel’s top court resumed debate on Monday about controversial clauses in the coalition deal struck late last month between caretaker right-wing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his main rival, centrist leader Benny Gantz.

On Sunday, 11 Supreme Court judges debated whether indicted lawmakers may form a government, as Netanyahu seeks to hold on to the office of prime minister despite criminal charges against him.
The panel heard petitions by anti-corruption groups and opposition politicians, who want the court to strike down the April 22 emergency unity government deal, under which Netanyahu would serve as prime minister for the first 18 months, followed by Gantz for another 18 months.
Under the rotation agreement, Gantz is to serve as vice prime minister during the 18 months that Netanyahu is prime minister, after which they would switch roles for a further 18 months.
Israeli law and jurisdiction mention only that ministers are banned from serving under indictments, as they are not elected by the people.
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Netanyahu’s lawyers have argued it would be undemocratic for judges to intervene in the people’s choice of prime minister. The question is also whether the new position of vice, or “alternative” prime minister” as defined in the April 22 coalition agreement, is exempt from the ban against ministers with indictments.
Three consecutive elections in Israel in less than a year – the last on March 2 – have all ended inconclusively. Gantz broke his vow not to serve with the indicted Netanyahu to avoid a fourth election and to cope with the coronavirus crisis. (dpa)