February 28, 2025


Time flies fast. David Cameron of yesterday has become a former Prime Minister of UK.
All these events came on the heel of the exit of Britain from the European Union after and emphatic referendum in votes.
As opposed to the decision of the former Prime Minister, Dacied Cameron who had said he would resign in October had been overtaken by the fast paced events within the Conservative party and elected Theresa May , as a second woman Prime Minister since Margaret Thatcher left the scene as a  famed  Iron Lady.
Already David Cameron, the former Prime Minister had since left 10 Downing Street, London.
Theresa May, a former Cabinet Minister and seen as a strong bargainer on political and economic matters was chosen on Monday, July 11 as leader of the Conservative Party and in her speech she said ‘I am honoured and humbled to have been chosen by the Conservative Party to become its leader.’
During the campaigns she had consistently held the view that there was the need for a strong and proven leader to ‘steer us through what will be difficult and uncertain economic and political times
Will the new Minister of the UK tie the fortunes of her country across the Atlantic to the US as it had always been some hundreds of years ago?
Will the UK continuously dance the waltz with the US that had remained the Policeman of the World?
Now out of European Union, what will her vision be with her former colonies which had all become independent and making new friends across the globe?
What will her role be in connection with looted funds allegedly being lodged in British Banks?
These are issued that will ultimately affect the bilateral relations between London and Abuja.
Britain over the years since Nigerian gained independence in October 1960 had remained aloof from our national affairs.
And during the civil war years, she did not quite come forth with any assistance except Russia.
The duplicitous role of Britain over time and space had been slightly unfriendly and when Boko Haram came it was the US that offered some help in terms of logistics. And only recently, the US had offered to sell 12 fighter helicopters to Nigeria to battle insurgents.
With the exit from the European Union, Britain too has  to face his economic and political problems  and whether it will have any role to play in our own dwindling economy will be seen  in the coming months.
Looking slim and fashionable, Theresa May, may well turn out to be Nigeria’s friend.
But after the firm stand of Mrs Margaret Thatcher, whose long shadows over-whelmed the British skies and the world time will tell.
As the world welcomes Theresa May into 10, Downing Street, a few possibilities will emerge. It will not be an easy ride for her.  How will she tame the push and pull of the Scottish people for a country of their own in the coming months or years?
The last time Scotland called for a referendum  to leave the United Kingdom, it lost out. It is a political storm that had brewed over the years and it may well test Theresa May’s bargaining prowess.
We know the British Oil is based in Scotland and strong motivation for the people of Scotland to want to go their separate ways.
If Scotland succeeds, then the United Kingdom would be divided into little portions.
To be buffeted by both domestic revolts in Scotland and Northern Ireland, and  her abilities to negotiate a faourable exit conditions from European Union are all matters that would keep the second ‘Margaret Thatcher’ in Theresa May on the edge from week to week and month to month.
With some 2.4 million Nigerians in the UK working and schooling in higher institutions, one is not too sure if fresh immigration policies might be promulgated to either bar further streaming into the UK of job seekers? As for students, it will bring in revenue  into the British  Treasury.
Beyond these political hurdles for the new Prime Minister , Theresa May, it is morning yet on her direction and whether her pendulum will swing to.
It is believed that soliciting for more generous conditions from the European Union in Brussels would take a major attention of the new Prime Minister of the UK, Theresa May.
I do not believe Theresa May will follow the unfortunate description of ‘Nigeria and Afghanistan as the most  fantastically corrupt nations in the world.’
As David Cameron slides into  seeming oblivionas UK’s Prime Minister, we only hope Theresa May, may never be tempted to work in his shadow, especially for his unguarded outpouring against Nigeria.

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