
[Opinion] Which way Nigeria?

Nigeria is a Crashing Plane. We either join forces to change the direction, or we sit back and watch it crash to tell stories to the coming generation about a country that WAS.The choice is ours.
So election is around the corner again and all of a sudden, our so-called leaders and politicians are humnitarians again, from digging up gutters to eating in the slums and all that crap, this much until after they finally get what they want and then everything returns to the usual. I hope you’re not moved? Pls don’t be.

How much longer do we have to wait before we claim Nigeria back? I mean, we have been fools for 57 years of Nigeria’s existence, we are becoming really old now and I think this foolishness has to come to a halt. I believe the time is now. I think it’s high time we stood up for our rights as a people, as a Nation.

I mean, for how long will just a few people continue to enrich themselves while a huge population continue to starve & dwell in abject poverty? For how long?

It baffles me all the time, that these so-called leaders take home MILLIONS monthly, BILLIONS yearly & include TRILLIONS in the Budget yet all we keep hearing in the news is how broke we are. If we truly are, how come there’s enough money to cater for their salaries but there isn’t enough for the poor hardworking man/woman whose minimum wage is less than 20,000 Naira monthly, how? I can never understand this, Sickening.

Until we are ready to speak in one voice, putting behind us the differences and walls ‘they’ have built with tribe, ethnicity, social class and religion, this shenanigans in our government wouldn’t stop. We need to act, and fast too. We can’t afford to raise kids in this failed system. I mean, what sort of Nigeria will the next generation grow up to know?

These folks have no regard for us and how we feel, it’s a pity we don’t know the power that we have if we stay united as a people. A typical look at the #EndSARS protest which has fallen on deaf ears. Like virtually every other protest that we have had in time past. Our leaders have so taken us for granted that they know we’ll bark for a while and retire to our cages in the long run.

We have a government that is very insensitive. Greedy lots who only care about enriching themselves and their families. They embezzle funds and still wouldn’t invest it in our economy, instead they tie down properties and invest in foreign economies with monies amassed from our sweat, while the ones sweating profusely are starving.

Height of wickedness. Pay a Youth corper 19,800 naira monthly in the name of serving father land, abeg who father land epp? What can 19,800 even buy in this present economy for a whole month? Like, how can the minimum wage of an oil producing Nation/economy be less than 20,000 naira monthly? How? How long are we going to keep mute and pretend like all is well when obviously the Nation is gradually reaching the grave? How long?

There’s no hope whatsoever for the common man. Sad to say the least. Things are getting harder and will continue to be so until we take drastic measures. Our leaders are not clueless, they intentionally don’t want to improve our standard of living just so we can always be under and below. So we will continue to be at their mercy every other time, So we will continue to thank them when they do little things (with OUR MONEY).

Things that are meant to be BASIC amenities enjoyed freely by people in saner climes have now becomes things we celebrate on getting. For a Nation that’s blessed richly with man power and natural resources in abundance, how did we even get here in the first place? Sigh!

No sector is working fine in Nigeria. None. Daily, we continue to lose talented and skilled youths to this failed system. Every damn person, I mean ambitious youth is thinking of leaving the Country, DOCTORS particularly. I weep for my Country Nigeria.

The so-called men of God that people praise and worship will not speak up on the hardship of the people. Until you mention Tithes. That is all they care about.

But one thing is certain, their time will soon be up! Soon, the poverty will eat so deep, the poor will have nothing else to feed on but the rich (Politicians). VERY SOON. That I know for sure.
Best believe, no Nigerian government till date ever had the people in mind. We’re on the verge of a Revolution. The time is now.

“For there to be a fundamental change, there must be a certain level of madness” – Thomas Sankara.

Wake Up Sleeping Giant. WAKE UP!
#EnoughIsEnough ✊?

    On Air Personality & Digital Influencer.
    (A concerned youth)


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