Nigeria is built on faulty foundation, there is need to revisit it –Kanayo

Prosper Kanayo, a pastor, social critic, philanthropist and educationist, is the founder of Living Water Church, Isolo Lagos. In his interview with INIOBONG IWOK, Kanayo accesses the two years of President Buhari’s administration and calls for the restructuring of the country, he also speaks on other national issues.
******President Muhammed Buhari is two years in office, how will you access his administration?
We are celebrating the two years of this government. I hear people say a particular man has failed; I think when it comes to this government what have failed this country is the system: the faulty foundation upon which this country was founded. If anybody is blaming Buhari I can say that is wrong, ten Buhari would come and they would never do anything. Our problem in Nigeria is the system; you will agree with me that when somebody builds a house if he has a wrong foundation, the house will not stand. So, from the time of independence, from the witchcraft of the British people, they gave us a wrong foundation, by bringing this country together. So, the first thing is to visit the foundation; so, I can tell you that this country built is about witchcraft. People think witchcraft is that women that fly in the night alone. The root of witchcraft is rebellion.
If we must reposition, we must deal with the witchcraft. We have a country were the law does not work; those in authority do not respect the law. Even there is law in paper but it is not working, those in authority work against the law. Public office holders are working against the law in this country. Government in Nigeria is about manipulation and they dominant people. In the original plan of God, leadership is not meant to dominate people, but to serve and anybody that is elected into office but diverting from what is meant to be done is practicing witchcraft. There is a system that is wrong, you can practice your witchcraft through intimidation and brain washing of people; and that is what government in Nigeria is doing.
******Do you support the call for restructuring of the country?
I support the restructuring of the country. We need to revisit the constitution. That is why I said the system and foundation of the Nigeria is faulty. But I am sorry for the church: because it is supposed to help the government to put itself together, but what is happening is that these days the government control the church.
Nigeria’s foundation is faulty, if we don’t do something now, 2019 would be bloody. Imagine allocation been given to Northern states and some people would share the money among themselves.
*****Will you say the problem is from the present form of government?
The present system we have is not good for us. I want a system where there would be autonomy between the state and the local government. Go to some states; the local governments don’t have money to even build a bore hole. If we must move forward there must be true federalism in Nigeria, Buhari is not the problem, those people saying he would die are joking, because he would not.
******But, the President made many promises to Nigerians, but nothing much has changed?
It is only those Nigerians that are not sincere that would not see what the man is doing. The man is restructuring, that means they need to destroy the old foundation and lay a new one. That is what he came to do. I told some journalist some time ago; that if we continue with the last administration of Goodluck Jonathan our children would curse us. Things are changing, people in the village are eating, they are getting crops from their farm; it is only some one that is not sincere that would say he has not seen anything that this administration has achieved
******How do you react to the killing in the various parts of the country?
The killing has been on before the man came to power, it did not start today, Boko Haram has been there. What I am still saying is that it is the foundation. Can a man who went to university go and be killing? Even he has no job and a wife, it is a general systemic problem, forget about what people are saying. Like I said, until we deal with witchcraft in the system Nigeria cannot move forward.
Witchcraft by maltreatment, intimidation and manipulation of people, that is what the government is doing.
******Are you in support of the agitation for Biafra, you are from that part of the country?
The greatest problem we have in Africa is ignorance. They just want to use some poor people and dump them. I can never join people that are talking ignorantly. It was Uwazurike that started this struggle where is he today? if there is call for us to divide please let do it peacefully if at us there is demand for us to separate let do it accordingly and don’t forget God who create this country to be one don’t make mistake my prayer for this country is that it should is that the will of God should be done for Nigeria.
******A lot of Nigerians think this administration have failed with it policies, which is the reason we are in recession, do you agree?
That is not true, if you check, the number of things we bring from abroad have reduced. As far as we are not producing anything in Nigeria, and it is pure importation, we would not grow, and that is a reason unemployment is high. If you check, importation has reduced. There is nothing wrong about Buhari’s policies. Cars should come from the land borders.
******Being a clergy do you have any vision for the country?
I am not a politician and I can’t be a politician, let me tell you something you would never forget, most of the challenges we are facing in Nigerian every country in the world are facing the same. The coming of Jesus is at hand, the bible said when Jesus is about to come, there would be war, crises and these are the manifestations.
My greatest prayers are that Buhari should continue in 2019, let the will of God prevail. We should give the man the chance, he has not done badly.
******The opposition say the President is targeting the opposition in the anti graft war?
It is not true, Nigerian politicians would be the ones committing evil, they would be the ones that are making noise in the press; that is part of manipulation that I am talking about. Because even the court, the politicians have money to pay the press people; look at his home, nothing was done, while a Jambite was jailed because they caught some ammunition with him, this is the kind of system that I am talking about.
******What areas do you think he President’s attention should be?
Education. If I have chance everybody should acquire education up to masters’ level. I would advise him to look into the education sector, also agriculture; because if the education system is not improved upon we are in trouble.