February 20, 2025

My only fear in life is not being successful- NOME

By Mutiat Alli

The pursuit for fame and money can be overwhelming and sometimes many talented people have been known to handle these situations a bit differently.

Some are scared to push harder because of the pressure that comes with becoming a star and some are just not mentally ready.

For these reasons and more, many have fallen off the wagon at one point or the other. Where some get back up, others just simply phase away from memory.

By now fans are familiar with the background of Nome and how he started his music career at the tender age of eight singing for his local church and his gradual rise to stardom ever since.

The afro pop singer and song writer has expressed his boldness and confidence in previous interviews as to how high he plans to attain in his career.

Nome records that, “My only fear in life is not being successful”. So far he has graced the music business successfully and doesn’t seem to be fretting with his boldness and a level of confidence he exhumes as he is for sure looking like the real deal.

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With Nome’s highly anticipated single yet to hit the air waves, a lot of talks are still going about the music block regarding who he is and silent wagers are being placed as to how successful the overly confident act will last.

Whilst many are banking a long and successful reign for the young talent, there are a few who still needs assurance. At this stage, it is all up to Nome.

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