Man arrested for not wearing face mask, beaten to death

A 30-year-old man who is a bricklayer has been found beaten to death hours after he was arrested by police officers for not wearing a face mask in public.

Anti-police protests erupted on Thursday evening in Guadalajara, the country’s second-largest city.
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Protesters clashed with police officers outside the government palace, burning patrol vehicles and graffitiing the building. Videos showed the protesters breaking through the palace door.
One protester poured a flammable liquid on the back of a motorcycle cop and lit the officer on fire, according to a video spread on social media by independent news outlet ZonaDocs. Police beat back the protesters with batons and shot tear gas at them.
Giovanni López, a 30-year-old bricklayer, was detained on 4 May by municipal police officers in the town of Ixtlahuacán de Los Membrillos near Guadalajara.
Video of the incident emerged on Wednesday, and shows the police officers with assault rifles forcing López into a police pickup truck as bystanders plead for his release.
— Sergio Beltrán-García (@ssbeltran) June 4, 2020
Giovanni López, 30yo day laborer arrested for not wearing a mask, criminalised by cops and brutally beaten to death bc he belongs to the Mexican racialized underclass.
ACAB EVERYWHERE… #JusticiaParaGiovanni#JusticeForGiovanni