
maintaining that good breath

Halitosis affects how you feel about yourself, not to mention how others perceive you. Bad breath is mostly caused by bacteria that breed inside your mouth, it can also be caused by smelly food like onion, garlic and some spice can cause bad breath.

The odour lingers while food particles stay in your mouth but these foods gives you a double whammy, once they make it through your system their stinks chemicals travels through your blood stream to the lungs when you breathe them out.

Here are few tips on how to maintain a good and fresh breath:
Brush your teeth occasionally with baking soda – The bacteria that causes bad breath thrive in an acidic oral environment. Brushing your teeth with baking soda helps to neutralize excess acids found in the oral cavity.

Eat foods rich in fiber – high fiber food actually helps prevent halitosis. Avoid eating heavily processed food that contains refined carbohydrates such as cookies, cakes, sweet and ice cream.

Use mouthwash – some mouthwash or oral rinses are effective at preventing bed breath, however you should never use alcohol based mouthwashes because the alcohol makes the mouth very dry which would actually make the problem worse.

Avoid drying medications – try not to take anti-depressants, pain reliever and antihistamine unless it is medically necessary. These drugs inhibit saliva flow and can cause chronic dry mouth.

Clean your mouth after eating meat, fish or dairy products – practicing consistent and thorough oral hygiene is an effective prevention tool.

Breathe through your nose instead of your mouth – try to address any snoring or sleep apnea issues that could be affecting your breath and causing dry mouth.

Stop smoking – studies has shown that smokers are at higher risk of developing periodontal disease. Furthermore people who smoke may also engage in other habits that promote this condition such as drinking alcohol and suffering from chronic anxiety conditions that require exacerbating prescription medication.

Keep your mouth! Post by drinking plenty of water.
Proper oral care – brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day, be sure to get a tooth brush with soft bristles and also use fluoride toothpaste.

Brushing and flossing helps to remove any food and plague which can be used as fuel source by the anaerobic, sulfur producing bacteria that are at the root of these problem.

Take a dietary supplements – Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin D and Vitamin B are effective at helping your body eliminate excess mucus and toxins naturally.







Mutiat Alli

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