Capital Market

Investment one urged investors to key into FGNSB 12th offer

Investment one international limited has called don investor’s t take advantage of the ongoing federal government of Nigeria savings bond (FGNSB) 12t series offer and divers heir investments and enhance earnings.

The FGNSB Twelfth (12th) series offer commenced on February 5th 2018 and scheduled will close on 9th of February.

The investment one, which is one of the approved firms for subscription of the bond as distribution agent, (DA) , said that it would be receiving applications from the investing public starting from the 5th of February 2018.

Savings bonds are debt instruments offered by government with the aim of mobilizing resources from the general public.

The rationale behind the issuance of the savings bond by the FGN is to deepen the national savings culture, to diversify funding sources for the government and establish benchmark for other issuers.

The product is offered to the investing public through offer for subscription at an interest rate to be determined by DMO and enjoys quarterly interest payment.

The Federal Government of Nigeria, through the Debt Management Office (DMO), had on the 13th of March 2017 issued the first series of the monthly 2year and 3year tenured savings bond.

The Twelfth (12th) series of the FGN savings bond is at the following rates:, 2-Year FGN Savings Bond due February 14, 2020: 10.277% and 3-Year FGN Savings Bond due February 14, 2021: 11.277%

The bond is also listed on the floor of the NSE for the benefit of those who may want to trade theirs before maturity.







Stories by Bonny Amadi

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