
Industrial Profile on Instant Pounded Yam Flour

Yam (Discorea spp), a tropi­cal perennial crop cultivated mainly for its edible tubers is a staple food consumed worldwide and provides much economic benefit to the producers. Yam (Discorea species) can also be described as an annual or peren­nial tuber-bearing and climbing plants belonging to the family of Diocoreceae.

In Nigeria, yam is eaten boiled, fried, roasted and pounded. The pounded yam is consumed by almost every tribe in Nigeria. Its consumption cuts across all regions, age groups, economic and social classes. It is served in parties/ ceremonies, hotels restaurants/ eating joints and as family menu.

The traditional method of making pounded yam is very la­borious and mostly unhygienic. It requires physical pounding with pestle and mortar by two or more strong men or women, de­pending on the quantity.

Federal Institute of Industrial Research (FIIRO) has developed and perfected a process technol­ogy for production of Instant Pounded Yam Flour (IPYF) to remove the drudgery associated with the traditional pounding method. IPYF brings succor to pounded yam lovers as they can now obtain their menu of delight through a process that is less time consuming and of course a more hygienic product with longer shelf life. As a mat­ter of fact, the proliferation of the Instant Pounded Yam Flour companies in Nigeria is as a re­sult of the pioneering R&D and technology transfer activities of the Institute.



There is high demand for Instant Pounded Yam Flour in both domestic and internation­al markets. In the international market, large market exists in Europe and America and other continents most especially with sizeable black people. The po­tential demand for IPYF is in ex­cess of 500,000 tonnes/annum.



Yam tuber is the only raw material required for produc­tion of Instant Pounded Yam Flour. Industrial processing and utilisation of yam includes starch, poultry and livestock feed, production of yam flour and instant-pounded yam flour production.

Major yam producing states in Nigeria include Adamawa, Benue, Cross River, Delta, Edo, Ekiti, Imo, Kaduna, Kwara, Ogun, Ondo, Osun, Oyo, and Plateau . Table 2 shows the out­put of Yam in Nigeria.



The major machinery and equipment for production of IPYF are:

-Yam slicer, -Dryer (Tunnel or Cabinet is appropriate), -Yam par-boiler, -Hammer mill with cyclone and Packaging ma­chine.

FIIRO has designed and fab­ricated complete process line machinery and equipment for IPYF. This is available at micro, small and medium scales. The Institute can also deliver the complete process line on turn-key basis within eight weeks of commissioning by the investor/ entrepreneur. The cost however, depends on the capacity which could vary from 1ton/day to 5tons/day.



Production of IPYF includes the following simple unit opera­tions:

Yam Selection



Peeling and Slicing





The flour is packaged in moisture proof packaging materials.


Production programme for a small to medium scale Instant Pounded Yam Flour production is shown below:

Production Days/Annum – 300

Production Volume/Day – 3 Tonnes

Production Volume/Annum – 900 Tonnes

Projected 5- Year Production Plan


Initial Fixed Capital N16,292,730.00

Initial Working Capital N7,892,130.00

Pre-production Expenses N2,164,010.00

Contingencies N1,067,443.50

TOTAL N27,416,313.50


NB: The initial fixed capital includes factory building, machinery and equipment, generator, project vehicle, office furniture and equipment and bore hole.


Return on Investment (Year 1) 85%

Return on Equity (Year 1) 174.7%

Net Profit to Sales 10.9%

Gross Profit to Sales 15.6%

Profitability Index 3.5

Breakeven Point (Year 1) 29.8%

Payback Period 1.1Years

Net Present Value @ 25% N28,655,210.00


  1. Technology Transfer Training on Instant Pounded Yam Flour Production.
  2. Fabrication and Installation of production Machinery and Equipment.
  3. Preparation of Bankable Feasibility Report/Business Plan on IPYF production.
  4. Quality Control Services
  5. Technical Assistance Services (including machinery and equipment installation, commissioning and personnel training on installed plant).

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