Life & Style

Get the tricks to lasting pedicure

Mutiat Alli

It’s not uncommon to leave the salon and discover you have chipped nail polish. You can stub your toe, trip and scrape your new polish or smudge the colour as you’re putting sandals on to leave. One sure way to damage your newly polished toes is to put on shoes. Even when you think your polish is dry, the material can stick to newly-polished nails. Wearing shoes that are too tight increases your chances of a ruined pedicure. Besides, one may not have the luxury of time to get a nail salon appointment on a regular basis. Rather than leave out this beauty indulgence, learn how to get more mileage out of your polish.

Smooth it out: Having a nice polish on your toe nails can make your feet look more presentable but not if you have dry, callused skin. Use a pumice stone to regularly slough off dead skin from your feet to keep them soft, smooth and sandal worthy

Moisturize: If you’re not already moisturizing on a regular basis, it’s a must that you start. Moisturizing your feet not only helps your pedicure look better by keeping your skin and cuticles soft and hydrated, but it also helps your feet stay smooth and look great in between trips to the salon.

Carry cuticle oil: Another way to make your pedicure last is to carry a cuticle oil and keep your feet soft, moisturized and prevent the polish from chipping. Having rough or dry cuticles can mean painful hangnails and unsightly rough skin. Keep a small bottle of cuticle oil in your bag or at your desk to apply on your cuticles and nails one to two times a day to prolong the life of your pedicure

Top your topcoat: The top coat that the manicurist applied in the salon typically wears off in a couple of days, so prevent your polish from chipping and keep your toes looking fresh with a touch-up. It helps the toes to maintain its high shine and luster.

Keep them covered: This tip might go against the whole point of getting a pedicure but it’s one to think about. Although we get pedicures in order to show off our well-groomed feet, constantly exposing them to the elements can lead to chipped or faded polish, or dry and rough skin. Of course it’s okay to wear open toed shoes and sandals, but make sure you protect your feet and keep them covered on days you can.

Avoid heat: You might think that once you get fast-dry top coat on your nails, you are pretty much good to go, but not quite. Nail polish takes about 12 hours to harden so if you get your pedicure and run to the sauna or jump in a hot tub, you’re running the risk of ruining your pedicure!

Bring your own polish: If you’re unsure whether your nail salon carries new bottles of polish, why not bring your own? Many salons use nail polish thinners to prolong the shelf life of nail polish, so if you want to ensure you’re really getting a fresh coat, bring your own nail colour. This way, you can do your own touch-ups if you accidentally smudge a toe nail.

Dodge fragrances: If you like to use scented body lotions, the fragrance in the lotion might not be great for your pedicure. Synthetic fragrances have been known to make nail polish crack, so when you’re moisturizing your feet, go for unscented lotions or use essential oils to keep your skin soft.



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