
Garlands as seasoned actress, Ego Boyo turns 55

So much has happened in the life of Ego Boyo (nee Nnamani) since she came to the consciousness of Nigerians as Anne Harthrope, the hardworking daughter of an aristocratic business tycoon family in ‘Checkmate’.

She has become a wife, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother (?), producer, director and all those stuffs, but she is not yet tired.

Earlier in the week, she turned 55, celebrated her 31st wedding anniversary and took time off to tell her numerous fans that something exciting was cooking that would be unveiled in this new quarter of 2023.

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According to Anne (sorry Ego), fans should keep their fingers crossed. She said: “Don’t fret about not meeting all your goals, we all still have the next four months to work towards whatever achievements we choose.

The year still holds tremendous potential for growth, achievements, and beautiful memories. And guess what? I have some exciting stuff to share with you this quarter. So, stay tuned and watch this space!”

Trust Nigerian fans, they are willing to wait on their beloved Anne Ahathrope.

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