
FREEDOM OF THE PRO BIAFRAN AGITATORS; Nnamdi Kanu, Benjamin Madubugwu, David Nwawusi And Chidiebere Onwudiwe; Victims Of Legalised Despotism

The Tempestuous Of Liberty Is A Man’s Birth Rights Not To Be Subjected To Another Man’s Will, If The Rule Prevails Not – By Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas
“Those Who Passively Accepts Evil Are Much Involved In It As Those Who Helps To Perpetrate It. Those Who Accept Evil Without Protesting Against It Are Really Cooperating With It” – By Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas
The Voice of the Hero of our Time, Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas echoes again as she speaks Truth like Balls of Fire. She Unveils her Mantle of Authority as declared in her Quote:

WE CANNOT BLIND THE PEOPLE, DENY THEM EYESIGHT; The Vague is a Cartelistic Flaw because illiterates now govern Britain, and this insanity of Men dangerousity to Human Race will not grow their Gem in Place of great Eye Men in which I am the Headship of 21st Century Total Transformation and my silent will bring Jeopardy, denying Humans Protection and Security the values I so believed must be defended till my death, so I will not compromise Truth for Corruption, and playing in my field is a bomb of Truth. — By Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas

The fact of the Case, according to Department Of State Services (DSS) report was that the accused formed an Unlawful Society with the purpose of bringing into being a Republic of Biafra; Prof. Alexia Thomas draws the stand that, The Contention is a Blind Comment as Biafra Adjudication for her own Federation is backed by the Force of Law.

She identified that The Department of State Services Case against Mr. Nnamdi Kanu and Associates is a Malicious Prosecution and have resulted in the following Crimes: (i) A Corrupt Justice, (ii) An Oppressive Injustice, (iii) A Legalised Despotism, (iv) Crown Servant Outlawtism, (v) An Abuse Of The Law Of Ethical Justice, (vi) Mediocrity And Hate, (vii) An Abuse Of Human Rights And Civil Liberties (viii) Breached Of The Law Of Magna Carta.

She Declared: In my Professional Opinion and Legal Expertise as (i) Chairman and Founder of The Commonwealth Liberation Party (TCLP) UK, the First British Political Party to Oppose Democratic Government in her Pursuit to Enforce Authority of the Divine Right of the Kings for Enforcement of Act of Politics by 2021, (ii) As the Chieftain of Commonwealth Treaty Alliance Commission and (iii) as a Law Reformist: I, Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas, give my Judgement on behalf of the Queen and Country and the State and Government and in and amongst Jurisdictional Territories of the Commonwealth Nations and her People, in accordance with their Values and Virtues, I pronounced judgement that on the 14th Day April 2017 at 4.00pm, that Mr. Nnamdi Kanu and Associates have no Case to Answer and therefore without Political Hindrances must be released from Unconstitutional Detention.

On the 18th April 2017, Professor Alexia Thomas made a Submission to the Federal High Court Abuja, Shehu Shagari Way, Central District, P.M.B 389, Abuja – Nigeria and Copied the Nigerian President, State House. She demanded for the Unconditional Release of Nnamdi Kanu, Benjamin Madubugwu, David Nwawusi and Chidiebere Onwudiwe.

Professor Alexia Thomas disclosed that, the Department of State Services Case against the Pro Biafran Agitators is a Government puppeteer Legal Fraud And Scam and Intentional Torts Geared At Defrauding their Human Rights to bet aid the Presidency elusive Government to be in Power by Suppressiveness of the Law.
Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas has never met any of the Pro Biafrans Groups nor Mr. Nnamdi Kanu himself, never spoke with them nor their Families or Friends, never saw their Case File or Court Papers, but instead her Instinct as an Oracle revealed the Spine twined in the Case Game after reading Independent Accounts of the Prosecutor and the Defendants, so her Judgement vetoed the Voice of the People, the God and the Devil.


CASE PROCEDURAL LAW: Universal Declaration Of Human Rights (UDHR) 1948 – Article 19: Everyone Has The Right To Freedom Of Opinion And Expression; This Right Includes Freedom To Hold Opinions Without Interference And To Seek, Receive And Impart Information And Ideas Through Any Media And Regardless Of Frontiers.

A. Legal Infringement On Defendants Patriot Rights

B. Defendants Detention A Legal Scam Of Political Jeopardy

C. Legality Of Law Status Quo

D. Government A Subject To Rule Of Law

E. Freedom Of Expression A Democratic Act And Not Treasonable

F. Law Of Neopolitical Mantle And Constitution Of Democracy

1. (i) The ‘CRIME’ as a Definition — An Action or Omission which Constitute an Offence punishable by Law or an Action or Activity considered to be Evil, Shameful or Wrong. (ii)The ‘LAW’ as a Definition — The system of Rules which a particular Country or Community recognizes as regulating the actions of its Members and which it may enforce by the imposition of Penalties or Systems of Law as a subject of study or as the basis of the Legal Profession or Statute Law and the Common Law or something regarded as having binding force or effect.

2. Enforcement of – MAGNA CARTA DECLARATION 1215 No Freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or be disposed of his Freehold, or Liberties, or free Customs, or be outlawed, or exiled, or any other wise destroyed; nor will We not pass upon him, nor condemn him, by lawful judgement of his Peers, or by the Law of the Land. We shall sell to no Man; we will not deny or defer to any Man either Justice or Right.

3. Going by the Legislation an Authority of the Statute and Ark of Nigerian Justice, as we must not be Blind to the Virtues of Truth. ‘Why must our Statue of Authority be made to Rob Blood from the Finger of a Saint’.

4. The Tempestuous Of Liberty Is A Man’s Birth Rights Not To Be Subjected To Another Man’s Will If The Rule Prevails Not – By Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas

5. Mr. Nnamdi Kanu and his Associates (i) Mr. Benjamin Madubugwu, (ii) Mr. David Nwawusi, (iii) Mr. Chidiebere Onwudiwe have acted in Tempestuous of Liberty; Yes the Man in hunt for Power has the autonomy of the Law to cling to Leadership either by Violent or by Redistribution of Power.

6. The People of Biafra have a Sovereign Rights because the Amalgamation of Nigeria is a White Man’s Ideology corrupt by interest of their gains and not in the interest of the Africans. The British Government colonialism of Nigeria failed her commiseration to see Africans to the brinks of Development by ignoring their development and joining the EU Club in 1973.

7. The Amalgamation of Nigeria is an Error promulgated by Lord Lugard in 1914. The Igbo Kingdom, Hausa Kingdom and Yoruba Kingdom can never be a Unionism as these Tribes are separated by Religion. The Will of the Indigenous People of Biafra must be attained on or before 50 years in a Free Peaceful Coalition.

8. The British Government do not use Constitution, instead they use the Words of Authority and Court Judgments, therefore Nigeria cannot hold the bounds of the Law by Constitution as the Nigerian Constitution of 1999 was Errored, a written working Document for the Upper Class to suppress the Lower Class.

9. The Constitution is not a Thesis for the Government to oppress the People, rather is a Pretentious Module guide for Men appointed in Power by the People to control the Government — By Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas

10. The fact of the Case, according to Department Of State Services (DSS) report was that the accused formed an Unlawful Society with the purpose of bringing into being a Republic of Biafra; The Contention is a Blind Comment as Biafra Adjudication for her own Federation is backed by the Force of Law.

11. The Prorogation Of Justice Requires Leadership Courtesy Of Impunity Law To Mandate The Rule Of Law Effectisation Of Equality Without Debarment Of Peoples Right To Overturn The Rulership Of Few Men Over The Majority Of Mass Submission. — By Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas

12. In Justice Promulgation, The Question To Be Asked, Is There A Lool (Meaning Hint) And Is There A Lalal (Meaning Pre-requisite) — By Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas

13. The Nigerian Federal Government Case against Mr. Nnamdi Kanu and his Associates is an Unjustifiable Legal Fabricated Fallacies to suppress Rights of Sovereign Men, in Government Tyranny to mock the Act of Law and its Preambles.

14. The Nigerian Government Case against Mr. Nnamdi Kanu and Associates is a Legal Mediocrity of Law Ineffective Of Procedural Measures in misconduct and misdemeanour by Legalised Despotism; A Subjugate of the Defendants Freedom in Premeditated act to Puppeteer the Nigerian Legal Justice System.

15. WE CANNOT BLIND THE PEOPLE, DENY THEM EYESIGHT; The Vague is a Cartelistic Flaw because illiterates now govern Britain, and this insanity of Men dangerousity to Human Race will not grow their Gem in Place of great Eye Men in which I am the Headship of 21st Century Total Transformation and my silent will bring Jeopardy, denying Humans Protection and Security the values I so believed must be defended till mydeath, so I will not compromise Truth for Corruption, and playing in my field is a bomb of Truth. — By Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas

16. The Nigerian Justice System Is Madness In A Turmoil In A Bottle. Everybody Is Blind To The Ethics Of Justice And Law Legality. — By Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas

17. In the charge, Federal Government alleged that the accused Mr. Nnamdi Kanu and his Associates committed treasonable felony by spear-heading an illegal agitation for the secession of ‘Biafra Republic’ from Nigeria, an offence punishable under Section 41(C) of the Criminal Code Act, CAP C38 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria.

18. To prove a Crime is committed, the Director of Public Prosecution must prove the Case has an element of Actus Reus (meaning the intention or knowledge of wrongdoing that constitutes part of a crime, as opposed to the action or conduct of the accused, and Mens Rea (meaning an element of criminal responsibility, a guilty mind; a guilty or wrongful purpose; a criminal intent).

19. In my Professional Opinion and Legal Expertise as (i) Chairman and Founder of The Commonwealth Liberation Party (TCLP) UK, the First British Political Party to Oppose Democratic Government in her Pursuit to Enforce Authority of the Divine Right of the Kings for Enforcement of Act of Politics by 2021, (ii) As the Chieftain of Commonwealth Treaty Alliance Commission and (iii) as a Law Reformist: I, Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas, give my Judgement on behalf of the Queen and Country and the State and Government and in and amongst Jurisdictional Territories of the Commonwealth Nations and her People, in accordance with their Values and Virtues, I pronounced judgement that on the 14th Day April 2017 at 4.00pm, that Mr. Nnamdi Kanu and Associates have no Case to Answer and therefore without Political Hindrances must be released from Unconstitutional Detention.

20. Mr. Nnamdi Kanu and Associates are not guilty of any Treasonable Offences and have acted within due process of recognised international Law of Article 19 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) 1948, signed by the British Government on behalf of their Colony Nigeria. The Law is still enforceable till date and cannot be repealed hence still being enforced and recognised by the British Government.

21. No Man Has The Right To Deny Another Man His Free Will Liberty To Be Free. No Man Has The Power To Use Legislative Confraternity To Destroy The Race Of Life. — By Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas

22. The Law Legality of Men in their Sovereign Rights acting within their own Covenant of Administration as willed by their Thoughts and Beliefs, is not different from the act of self-imposed Government. Mr. Nnamdi Kanu and Associates are being punished and treated like lesser Men. Hence all Men are created Equal and the context of liability and evidence before us and in the World Archives of British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) that the Igbos as a People are Marginalised Race, in that the Northern Emirates saw to the death of 15,000,000 million Igbos in the Nigerian Civil War of 1967, massacred and the feverously travails of death have continued till this date, they are killed unjustly and frivolously.

23. Mr. Nnamdi Kanu is an Igbo Leader, born in the Heritage of the Igbos Ethnicity and Jewish Race, in his Mind Supremacy, a truce and an Adjudicator of the Ndigbo Visionary, He is a Martyrdom and a wise one born to lead his People in their acclaimed Will of God, against the Ordinance of the Will of Men to subject them to impotency of their belief in the disposition of Federal Government Oppressive Injustice against their Race and seizure of their Voices. A Revolt by them is not a Crime. The Government actions are a Hell-Raiser Maldemer of Essentricism.

24. The Federal Government in the Headship of President Muhammadu Buhari treated the Igbos as a Race less important and Nigerians live by the strength of these People of Eastern Nigerian. The Igbos by Professions are Capitalists, Economists and Educationists and the Minorities uneducated were denied of Educational funding because they were made to rebuild in misery after the Civil War of 1967 they lost. A no Pain a no Gain, now for a United Nigeria, is better their Voices are heard again.

25. The Government is subject to the Rule of Law and cannot shoot the Guns of Laws. The Plan and way forward is a Consensual, for the interest of today in adherence to the Future as the New generation will carry the turmoil of Anarchy, if the law of Common Sense is undermined.

26. Tyranny Of Government Is Their DisabilityOf The Mind, Mediocrity And Of IllusionalHypocrisy. — By Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas

27. The Igbo People are Religionists and as Christians, they are not subjected to the Will and Beliefs of the Northern Emirates and as such, Mr. Nnamdi Kanu and his Associates have acted as Avengers and not Terrorists. He is a Man with a Purpose and his Voice must be heard and the Will of his People for Liberation must stand; Therefore the Nigerian Justice System in her Sham Legislation cannot subjugate the Will of the Biafran People.

28. The President of Nigeria and his Federal Republic of Nigerian cannot win. I strongly warned and Advice the Court to Strike out this Case from the Tempestuous Court Boundaries and the Federal Government make Peace with the Eastern Region.

29. DEFINITION OF TERRORISM:Terrorism Is The Threat of a Government toimpose Despotic Laws against majority toseize their Rights.

— By Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas

30. The Government is voted into Office by the Will of her Citizens and therefore cannot rob the People of their Sovereign Rights in their Determinism to adjudicate for separation, if all elements are proven they are being alienated, abused or killed for their Beliefs or Ethnicity. Yes the Biafran call for separation is a must Mandate, and any act of Government Tyranny to stop them is totally unacceptable.

31. The Nigerian Government must accept a peaceful resolution and the Federal Court cannot defend Federal Government frivolous lies to suppress the Igbo Peoples Justice Revolt, the consequences will result in Anarchy and Ethnicity War amongst Nigerians.

32. A 2nd Civil War by Year 2036 that will deny Peaceful Resolution to the calamities of Nigerian Nation in her Self destruction and ruins of her Civilisation. The Wild Orchid Will grow to avenge Injustice in truce Justice in quest of a Biafran Federation. — By Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas

33. WHAT IS NOT TERRORISM: Avengers is when Man brings Retributionupon Man with his own Hands than waitingfor Ark of God to avenge Retribution byKarma. Those who bring retribution byAvenging the Death of their Love Ones arenot Terrorist, as their actions are simply topay Tribute by in turn killing Families ofMen who equally killed their Love Ones unequivocally.— By Ker Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas


34. To Prove a Crime is committed, the Prosecutor must Prove their Case constitutes elements of Actus Reus and Mens Rea; it Preambles within the Act of LawActus Reus is the Latin term used to describe a Criminal Act. Every crime must be considered in two parts-the physical act of the crime (actus reus) and the mental intent to do the crime (mens rea). To establish actus reus, a lawyer must prove that the accused Party was responsible for a deed prohibited by Criminal Law.

35. Mr. Nnamdi Kanu and three other defendants had their first physical appearance before the Wuse Zone 2 Magistrate Court, Abuja, on Monday, November 23, 2015. They were arraigned on a Six-count Treasonable charge. The action of the Prosecution was to subject them to Alien Justice without the Mantle of Legal Authority and had till date suppressed their imprisonment in Tyrannical apprehension.

36. Law Is The Reality Of Legal Justice As It IsThe Fundamental Principles That KickStarted Law As A Doctrine You And I CallThe School Of Law. Definition Of Law Simply Means ‘Advocate Of Truth’, and nowruined in derailed lust for acclaimedSuperior Men to brutalise Inferior Men withLegalized Despotism.— By Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas

37. The Nigerian Federal Case charges against the accused Persons read: “That you, Nnamdi Kanu and other unknown persons, now at large, at London, United Kingdom, between 2014 and September 2015, with intention to levy War against Nigeria in order to force the President to change his measures of being the President of the Federation, Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federation as defined in Section 3 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended) by doing an act to wit: Broadcast on Radio Biafra your preparations for the states in the South- East geo-political zone, South-South geo-political zone, the Igala Community of Kogi State and the Idoma/Igede Community of Benue State to secede from the Federal Republic of Nigeria and form themselves into a Republic of Biafra, and thereby committed an offence punishable under Section 41(C) of the Criminal Code Act, CAP C38 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004.”

38. The Federal Government charges against Mr. Nnamdi Kanu and his Associates is written in Legal Tautology. It has no propensity in Law, in that it is written with connotation that assumed Presidency Office is believing they are in a Power propelled by Military Rule. This act to insinuate a Democratic Government cannot be challenged is a Mediocrity of enshrined sham Legislation inscribed in the Constitution by False Men in Power expecting Protection by the Veil of Justice VERITAS.

39. Criminals Are Not Criminal Rather TheDefinition Of Criminals Are: IndividualsWho Defer All Odds To Dare The Laws OfThe Land Without Fear Of The Anger Of The Land Executionist Of The Sacred CultSalvaging Them As Human Animals. — By Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas

40. The Conscience Of Guilt Must Awake Man’s Consciousness Of Leadership To Understand The Mind Of The Man He Is Ruling And The Mind Of The Man He Is Governing. — By Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas

41. The Federal Government in the Headship of a Person is Subject to the Rule of Law, therefore, Mr Nnamdi Kanu and his Associates have their Rights of Sovereignty and Rights to Adjudicate for a Federalist Biafrans, hence acted within the Rule of Law automated a Legal Prove that their detention is a Criminal Offense and the Federal Government must release them or Face a Retrieval Justice in which Mr. President and Government will equally face Justice Frontier after the end of his Administration. Though Immunity granted to Officers in Service of Government must be capitulated out of the Constitution, as Justice Commission will Switch on, hence Power is a Programme that has a Time Expiration.

42. IfThe Government Becomes A Law Breaker, It Breeds Contempt For Law; It Invites Every Man To Become A Law Unto Himself, It Invites Anarchy. To Declare That In The Administration Of Criminal Law The End Justifies The Means ‘To Declare That The Government May Commit Crimes In Order To Secure The Conviction Of A Private Criminal’ Would Bring Terrible Retribution — By Louis D. Brandeis


43. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain Inalienable Rights, which among these are Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights that governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of those ends, it shall be the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundations upon such principles, and organising its powers in such form, as shall seem to them most likely to effect their safety and happiness—- By Thomas Jefferson (3rd US President 1743 – 1826).

44. The All Progressives Congress (APC) Party in the affairs of Nigerian Government and in the Administration of President Muhammadu Buhari is becoming destructive of the Norms, as the State of Governance in her Joystick game is by Authoritarianism and her Enforcement to Rule the People by Legalised Despotism breached the abrasive Rule that constitutes a Democratic Government, hence by Definition of Democracy it is a Government Worthy of Collapse.

45. The Legal Mantle of Nigerian Justice System is in Lapses of Incompetence and as such is not Credible to the Norms of Rights, Will and Adherence.

46. Law Is Not Played By The Assumption Of Wants, Rather Is Played By The Authority Of Criticism, Logic And Truth. — By Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas

47. The Law Is A Will Of Change And The Change Is The Conventional Stream Of The Peoples Opinion. — By Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas

48. When The Greatest Abuse Is OppressiveInjustice And Oppressive Injustice IsCharted By Law, The Voice Of Justice IsSilence. — By Her Knowledgeable Professor AlexiaThomas

49. The Department of State Services (DSS), on Monday, November 23, 2015 through its lawyer, Mr Moses Idakwo, told the Court that it has already secured an Order from Justice Ademola Adeniyi of the Federal High Court in Abuja to further detain Kanu for another 90 days, to enable the Government conclude investigation into an allegation that Mr. Nnamdi Kanu was involved in Terrorism financing; This action, a stake for the Federal Government is in contrary to the VERITAS of Justice, bearing in the mind, the same matter was still being continued before the Wuse Zone 2 Magistrate Court, Abuja.

50. On December 17, 2015, Justice Ademola Adeniyi of the Abuja High Court ordered the ‘unconditional’ release of Mr. Nnamdi Kanu who is the Indigenous People Of Biafra (IPOB) Leader from the custody of the DSS.

51. The order was disobeyed by the DSS and it led to Justice Ahmed Mohammed of a Federal High Court sitting in Abuja, on December 23, 2015, to withdrew from the Trial Case of Mr. Nnamdi Kanu.

52. How Can We Lead In Blindness AndDeafness When Power A Failure OfIndecency Will Not Allow You To Use YourCommon Sense? — By Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas

53. No one has the Power to refute the Order of the Court as the Probes of Law is a Squirrel that Subjugate the Rulers and the Ruled in a Coherent Justice. — By Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas

54. The Law legality is an Agreed Principle by sworn pledges of a People and her Nations in her Sovereign Will. — By Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas

55. The Department of State Services (DSS) refuting the Order of the Court to release a Sovereign Man Mr. Nnamdi Kanu is against the Law of Magna Carta 1215, therefore the False action of the DSS means DSS as a Force must be dissolved as they cannot exist without the Bandit of the Law.

56. Pol ice Officer engulfed in MoneyCorruption are doggeries intoxicated byMenaces of Injustice denying MassesProtection in evasive Uniform the veil thatmakes them drunk.

57. The DSS has shown her formation is a Militarian Rule and not Democratic and this Argument promulgate the Law in her Powers to Disband the DSS as they are not for the Interest of a Sovereign Federalistic State of Nigeria.

58. WHERE Justice Is Denied, Where Poverty Is Enforced, Where Ignorance Prevails, And Where One Class Is Made To Feel That Society Is An Organized Conspiracy To Oppress, Rob And Degrade Them, Neither Persons Nor Property Will Be Safe — By Frederick Douglass.


59. A Crime Can Only Be Insinuated If The Allegation Contains Elements Of:

(i) ACTUS REUS :- is commonly defined as a criminal act that was the result of voluntary bodily movement. This describes a physical activity that harms another person or damages property. Anything from a physical assault or murder to the destruction of public property would qualify as an actus reus.

(ii) MENS REA :- As an element of criminal responsibility, a guilty mind; a guilty or wrongful purpose; a criminal intent. Guilty knowledge and wilfulness.A fundamental principle of Criminal Law is that a crime consists of both a mental and a physical element. Mens Rea, a person’s awareness of the fact that his or her conduct is criminal, is the mental element, and actus reus, the act itself, is the physical element.

60. TheCase of Mr. Nnamdi Kanu and Associates before the Federal High Court is proven beyond reasonable Doubt that the Department Of State Services(DSS) carried out a Malignant Operation to rob Mr. Nnamdi Kanu and Associates of their Freedom.

61. At a resumed hearing on September 26, 2016, Justice John Tsoho of the Federal High Court in Abuja, disqualified himself from presiding over the trial of detained leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, Mr. Nnamdi Kanu.He said: “The situation as perceived by this court is that there is conflict of interest between the applicants who insist that they have a right to agitate and the respondent (Federal Government) which argues that it has the responsibility to maintain peace and order. “Personal liberty of an individual within the contemplation of Section 35 of the 1999 Constitution is a qualified right that is not absolute. It can be curtailed in other to prevent a person from committing further offence”.

62. A Man Cannot Lay Down The Right Of Resisting Them That Assault Him By Force, To Take Away His Life —By Thomas Hobbes


63. The Department of State Services is a Militias Syndicate Organization set up and funded by the Federal Government as a Non-Ministerial Government Department.

64. The Department Of State Services will and must be close down, because their monstrous organization has No Blood, No Vein and No Skin to Operate as a Vigilante Group in Nigeria which is why Mass Cases of Unjustifiable Persons are detained against their Will and Freedom of expression taken away.

65. In a 21stCentury Democratic Government, the DSS, they cannot exist and the warrant of Truce is a must to relegatePowers of the Department Of State Services back to the Federation of the Nigerian Police.

66. The Truth Is Above Mud Of Lies, so Nigerian Legal Justice System must Stem PowerSeparation from Government and her intrusion ofPerilous Justice to dismember the Rights of Free Sovereign Men.

67. The injustice orchestrated on Mr. Nnamdi Kanu and Associates are Human Rights Abuse, Their Values Ridiculed, Freedom Taken Away, Pride Enslaved, Dignity Diminished And Ego Ruined.

68. The Adherence Of The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights 1948 Is ATreaty Enforceable And CommonwealthGovernment Disobedient Is Obscenity. — By Her Know2ledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas

69. We identified that The Department of State Services Case against Mr. Nnamdi Kanu and Associates is a Malicious Prosecution and have resulted in the following Crimes: (i) A Corrupt Justice, (ii) An Oppressive Injustice, (iii) A Legalised Despotism, (iv) Crown Servant Outlawtism, (v) An Abuse Of The Law Of Ethical Justice, (vi) Mediocrity And Hate, (vii) An Abuse Of Human Rights And Civil Liberties (viii) Breached Of The Law Of Magna Carta.

70. The Freedom of Mr. Nnamdi Kanu and Associates be upheld. The Court is to redress all Legal Requirements and accord Subjects the Protection of the Law. We request consideration of the Submission and release of Subjects by the Court within 7 days of receiving the Case Analytical Report and required to release the named Subjects in accordance with the Prorogation of Justice.

The Truth Is Above Mud Of Lies, so Nigerian Legal Justice System must Stem Power Separation from Government and her intrusion of Perilous Justice to dismember the Rights of Free Sovereign Men.


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