
EU emphasises more women inclusive representation in politics, governance

Nigerian Women

By Idongesit Inyang

A Non – governmental Organization, Gender and Development Action, GADA has disclosed the support of European Union in the inclusion and participation of women in democratic institutions in Nigeria.

This is through its funded programme, the Support to Democratic Governance in Nigeria (EU-SDGN).

GADA which revealed this during its workshop weekend in Calabar, said that the Union continues to reiterate more inclusive representation of women in politics and governance.

Project Coordinator Women’s Voice Leadership Project in GADA, Mrs Francisca Effiom in her remarks at the workshop, stated the European Union’s position that there cannot be strong, effective and legitimate democratic institutions without the inclusion and participation of women.

According to Effiom, “Since the return of Nigeria to democratic rule, there’s still growing concern over low representation of women in both elective and appointive positions.”

She said that women constitute over half of the population of the world and contribute in vital ways to societal development generally.

In Nigeria, the Project coordinator continued, the extant National Gender Policy (NGP) recommended 35 percent affirmative action and sought for a more inclusive representation of women with at least 35% of both elective political and appointive public service positions respectively.

She said that just last year, the lawmakers rejected five gender bills, prompting protests by women at the entrance of the National Assembly in Abuja explaining that this is in complete violation of the National Gender Policy (NGP).

Gender and Development Action, GADA, backs the European Union posture on the inclusion of women in politics and governance and advocates for the provision of an equitable playing field for women, either as electorate or candidates, Effiom, further stressed.

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She also said that through Women’s Voice and Leadership Project of Action Aid Nigeria, GADA as an implementing partner is pushing the frontiers for more women participation and representation in governance.

The Project Coordinator, further explained that Gender And Development Action (GADA), is aimed at Implementing the Women’s Voice and leadership (WVL) Nigeria project.

The project is supported by Action Aid Nigeria and is funded by Global Affairs, Canada, Effiom also disclosed.

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