
‘Don’t try this at home’, blogger Sandra Rose advises women on being pregnant at 50 just like Janet Jackson

Janet Jackson is having her first child at the age of 50. She turned 50 in May this year. She’s said to be about 7 months gone. While the world is happy for her, doctors have warned that women should not emulate Janet and think they can wait till 50 to have a child because she did it. Blogger Sandra Rose shared her opinion on Janet, calling it a high risk pregnancy. Below is what she wrote;


“Ladies, please don’t try this at home. It is unnatural and unsafe for a woman of 50 to be carrying a baby. You can get pregnant at age 50 if you’re wealthy enough to undergo expensive IVF treatments and you have your obstetrician on 24-hour call. But for the rest of us, it is dangerous and impractical. Adoption is a safer and unselfish alternative.” who agrees with her?

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