
Dismay over Indonesia Executions as Australia Recalls Envoy


Countries around the globe have expressed disappointment over the execution of six persons charged for drug smuggling under Indonesian law.
Four Nigerians and two Australians were executed despite pleas from government officials from different countries.

The executed Nigerians were Martin Anderson, 50; Silvester Nwolise, 47; Jamiu Abasin, 50 and Okwudili Oyatanze, 41.

However, Australia has recalled its ambassador from Indonesia after two Australians were executed for drug smuggling.

Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran were among eight people from several countries executed by firing squad in the early hours of Wednesday on the prison island of Nusakambangan.

Brazil’s government also expressed its “deep dismay” at the execution of one of its citizens, Rodrigo Gularte.

But the execution of a Philippine woman was called off at the last minute.

Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso was spared after Philippines officials said a woman she had accused of planting drugs on her was in police custody.
This is the first time Australia has recalled an ambassador from Indonesia.

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