Dear D’banj, Did You Just Lie To Your Fans?!

Fans may lose trust in the Kokomaster who did not keep to his word about dropping his album on the date he announced.
On June 27, 2017, D’banj uploaded the artwork for his forthcoming album “King Don Come” and it was tagged with the date 7-7-17. That’s July 7, 2017.
It was a release date, announced strategically with the artwork for the project.
That day came and went, but D’banj’s album was nowhere to be found.
Instead, he announced that D’Cream records, has been valued at over $100 million.
dbanj’s album has come
Franklin Amudo, D’banj’s business manager said, “We never said the album was dropping on that date. The date is significant to the D’banj business and brand. The C.R.E.A.M platform was officially 1 year.”
In August 2016, D’banj launched “THE C.R.E.A.M PLATFORM” a subscription-based digital platform for customers which avails them the opportunity to develop, actualize, get mentored and sell their creative content fully financed by the platform when chosen as winners.
Which one seems more like a lie? The actual announcement? or the manager’s explanation?
Truly, 7-7-17 made it a year since the company launched but does that negate the fact that D’banj misled fans with his social media announcement?
No matter what happens, D’banj’s “King Don Come” album is highly anticipated and that ‘king’ must come.