
You cannot force PDP’s confab report down throat of APC govt, it’s unfair –Osunbor

Oserheimen Osunbor, a professor of law, is a former governor of Edo State, a two term Senator representing Edo Central Senatorial District and a chieftain of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC). In this interview with some journalists, Osunbor speaks on crucial issues such as current agitations in the country, President Muhammadu Buhari’s performance in the last two years and the anti-corruption war and why he believes that the pressure on the Buhari’s government to implement the 2014 confab report is unfair on the APC government. PATRICK OKOHUE report

Nigeria recently marked 18 years of uninterrupted democratic journey. How will you describe the journey so far?
We thank God that democratic governance which is taken for granted in most countries has survived interrupted for 18 unbroken years in Nigeria. During this period a lot of experience has been acquired and you don’t hear much about the old excuse that “we are going through a learning process” any more.

There have been challenges as well, but most regrettably the high expectations in the minds of Nigerians on 29 May, 1999 have not been met. A lot of opportunities were squandered especially in the last 10 years or so of PDP rule when impunity became the norm. It is my hope that the APC government will avoid the mistakes that were made and lead Nigeria to the path of true greatness.

Do you think this nation would have made tremendous progress if the June 12, 1993 election was not annulled?
You are asking me to engage in speculation as to what might or might not have happened if the June 12, 1993 election had not been annulled. Quite frankly, only God knows and nobody can say for certain what would have happened.

It is likely that the NRC Presidential candidate, Bashir Tofa would have gone to the Elections Petition Tribunal to challenge the result of the election because he was already talking about doing so.

No one can tell how the case, if instituted, would have ended at the Supreme Court. Besides, the 1989 Constitution which would have been in operation had flaws which we tried to correct at the 1994/95 Constitutional Conference.

No one can say for certain if, or to what extent, Nigeria would have been impacted if the election was not annulled. At any rate, I will prefer that Nigerians focus more on how to surmount our current challenges and reposition our nation for greatness rather than dwelling on the past and crying over spilt milk. Mistakes were made which is regrettable but elders, leaders and statesmen have a responsibility to forge ahead, notwithstanding.

In your opinion, are we really practising democracy in Nigeria?
Yes, we are practising democracy in Nigeria. The forms of government that I know of are Monarchy, Military rule and Democracy. Out of the three, Nigeria has opted for and is practising democracy.

Forget all the talk about kleptocracy, lootocracy, criminocracy (with apologies to Senator Dino Melaye) and so forth and so on. These are mere jokes and do not have any universal meaning as a form of government.

I will, however, be quick to admit, that our democracy is not perfect and is facing serious challenges. As we all know, no human system including the concept of democracy itself, is perfect. Some of the setbacks which Nigeria’s democracy has suffered are self-inflicted by Nigerians.

As they say, a people get the sort of government that they deserve. It is the responsibility of Nigerians to remove the imperfections in our democracy in order that we can enjoy a quality of governance comparable to those of advanced democracies. It is no use trading blames or resorting to intemperate or hateful language and insults.

The three cardinal policies of President Muhammadu Buhari is war against corruption, security and economy. How has he fared in these areas?
Out of the three areas, I would say that tackling the security challenges, especially, Boko Haram ranks as the most successful. The insurgents no longer exercise territorial control over any part of the country, nor do they have their flag flying in any local government area any more.

Incidence of bombing of cities outside of the North East such as Kano and Abuja is now a thing of the past. It is sad though that they now use children as suicide bombers, including children too young to understand the lethal package left in their possession by terrorists.

Unfortunately, the success recorded in the defeat of Boko Haram is being eroded by the new scourge of killings by Fulani herdsmen or criminals disguising as Fulani herdsmen. The Federal Government should tackle and defeat this menace urgently before it assumes dangerous dimensions that can threaten national security.

The war against corruption is still very much on course although, rather sadly, the string of losses suffered by the prosecution in virtually all the high profile cases in court gives cause for serious concern.

President Muhammadu Buhari very early in his administration appealed to the judiciary to key into the anti-corruption agenda of government. Many people are genuinely concerned as to whether that plea has been heeded.

The cynicism of many Nigerians towards the anti-corruption war is rather disheartening and leaves you wondering whether Nigerians are really interested in combating corruption.

It is rather shocking to hear people say ‘we are all corrupt, so Buhari should forget about anti-corruption and face the economy’. What they do not know is that until Nigeria is rid of corruption, our economy will never be sound.

As for the economy itself, the collapse of the price of crude oil in the international market just as this administration was coming on board made the policy on economic revitalisation more challenging.

During the last administration, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala who was Minister of Finance and Co-ordinating Minister on the Economy, saw the danger in the way the economy was heading but her counsel fell on deaf ears.

What the Buhari administration inherited was a badly battered economy that this administration is now striving hard to reposition through a combination of policies and initiatives, including the diversification of the economy in practical terms devoid of mere rhetorics.

Happily, the indicators from the National Bureau of Statistics, the Ministry of Budget and Planning and the Ministry of Finance all point to the fact that the economy is on the path of recovery.

What is your take on the anti-corruption war which some have described as selective?
Recently, I wrote a paper on the issue of Selective Justice which was published in some national dailies. In the paper, I argued that selective justice is better for society than no justice at all.

In the same vein, my position is that even if the anti-corruption war is selective as is being alleged, it is far better for Nigeria than no anti-corruption war at all.

There is hardly any Nigerian who does not agree that corruption has done great damage to this country and is basically responsible for its retarded development and many of the other vices.

It has distorted our value system and ravaged our economic, social and political life as a nation. It therefore behooves of us to encourage and support the anti-corruption war and not be cynical about it.

The complaint I hear is that government is targeting only PDP people in its anti-corruption war, but when the same PDP people were sharing the recovered Abacha loot, money meant for the procurement of arms, they selected from among themselves those who benefitted from the corruption.

The corruption was selective. It does not lie in their mouth now to complain that the law or government is being selective in holding them to account.
My honest advice is that if anybody knows of any corruption going on under this administration, let them also expose those people; if not now then when they are able to get to power.

The fear of such prospect of future prosecution in a sustained anti-corruption war will in the end be better than capitulating under any criticism that the current war is selective.

A selective anti-corruption war for Nigeria, if that be the case, is far better than no anti-corruption war at all. However, government must strive to be fair to all and ensure that the anti-corruption war does not spare anyone.

You once granted an interview where you said the Judiciary needs redemption. Do you think the Judiciary is constituting itself as a clog in the progress of the anti- corruption war?
It is true that I granted an interview which was published on 16 September, 2016. In that interview, I called on the National Judicial Council and the leadership of the Nigeria Bar Association to save our nation’s judiciary.

I expressed fears that if they fail to do so we may encourage resort to unconventional methods to curb the rot being perpetrated by some judicial officers.

I am not a prophet but it did not come to me as a surprise when shortly afterwards, the DSS resorted to unprecedented methods to tackle the problem. This is not the time to say whether the DSS was right or wrong, but that it happened at all confirms the necessity for addressing the problems in the judiciary.

Let us recall that the Justice Kayode Eso Panel looked into the issue of corruption in the judiciary in the 90s and his report led to the dismissal or retirement of some judges across the country.

Justice S.O. Uwaifo in his valedictory address in 2005 at the Supreme Court spoke about the danger posed to society by a corrupt judge whom he described as more dangerous than a man with a dagger running amok on a crowded street. Aare Afe Babalola has spoken about it. Former Presidents of the NBA, Wole Olanipekun, SAN; J.B. Dawodu SAN and others have spoken about it.

Former CJN Aloma Muktar decried it in her inaugural speech and promised Zero Tolerance for corruption in the judiciary. Yet the problem has persisted.
I understand the NJC is reviewing its rules for dealing with misconduct by judges.

I do hope that they will rise up to the challenge soon because, rightly or wrongly, many people have formed the view that the judiciary has failed to embrace the anti-corruption war.

Again, I take this opportunity to appeal that we should not encourage a situation where people will be driven to adopt more unconventional methods to settle scores with the judiciary or some of its members.

Only last night on NTA network news, it was reported that the Venezuela Supreme Court has been attacked with a grenade dropped from a helicopter. Like Nigeria, Venezuela is an oil producing country that has not put its resources to best use.

As we know, Nigerians are good at copying bad examples from other climes. I do hope and pray that we avert a resort to such extreme measures here because, as I have often warned, judicial impunity can and may give rise to worse forms of impunity, God forbid.

What is your assessment of the 8th Senate under Bukola Saraki compared to your days in the hallowed chambers?
It is not in my place to judge the 8th Senate under its current leadership. I had my own time there and I am grateful to God for the impact and achievements I recorded in the Senate.

I can only say that it is regrettable that due to the extremely high turn-over rate in the Senate, indeed the National Assembly as a whole, institutional memory is less than it ought to be, considering that vast lessons learnt in the past are not always available to guide succeeding legislators.

The current Senate is operating under a somewhat different environment compared to when I was there. On a general note, I am happy that the Senate always allows itself to be guided by national interest and the need to protect our democracy.

How best can the Federal Government handle cases of agitations in the country?
Government must never close its doors to agitations, but create avenues for handling all genuine cases of agitation. It is part of the burden of governance and this is true even for advanced democracies such as Britain with the current agitations for Scottish independence, in Spain with agitation for a separate Basque country, etc.

However, the agitators must always be guided not to imperil law and order in their conduct or threaten the rights and peaceful living of other people who do not share their view. It is always better to jaw- jaw than to war-war.

Are you happy with the way the affairs of APC is being run or do you think the party has squandered the goodwill with which it came to power?
Absolutely! Compared to the PDP, I am happy with the way the affairs of APC are being run. Most importantly, it has shunned impunity and arrogance which were the hallmark of PDP and were responsible for its fall.

For instance, in PDP when a member felt aggrieved, he was often told to go to hell, that whether he likes it or not, PDP will win the next election. On the contrary, in APC, the party reconciles aggrieved persons because it treats every member as important. My advice is that APC must learn from the mistakes of PDP and avoid the same pitfalls.

I will also like to see more engagement by the party organs especially at the national level. More engagement between the party leadership on the one hand and the executive and APC legislators on the other hand will minimise incidence of disagreement, for instance, in dealing with the National Budget.

Do you think the report of the 2014 national conference should be implemented?
Something as important as a National Conference should have been started early enough and implemented by the administration whose programme it was. It is unfair and improper to attempt to ram it down the throat of President Buhari and the APC, who from the word go, dissociated themselves from it.

PDP made it a campaign issue but they were voted out by Nigerians. You cannot now force it on APC. It is never done. Besides, there is the issue of non est factum (it is not my deed) in the sense that some of the delegates to the Conference have disowned the report and dissociated themselves from it.

Very many eminent Nigerians participated in the National Conference although its legitimacy and legality fell short of that of the National Assembly considering the manner its members were hand-picked.

Nevertheless, with such a gathering of people some good proposals certainly were made, such as the devolution of power and strengthening of the federal system of government.

The National Assembly can look at these in its on-going constitution amendment exercise. On the contrary, other proposals like the creation of 19 new states in addition to the existing 36 quite honestly, is a contradiction of the idea of a strong federal system which many people want and I do not support that.

I can also not support any proposal that treats the Midwest region, which is the only democratically created federating unit in Nigeria, as if it never existed and that it should be subsumed under a new region.

In other words, while Ibadan, Enugu and Kaduna will continue to retain their status as regional capitals, Benin City will lose that status. This would be most unfair, unjust and a disservice to the memory of those like my father who struggled through a plebiscite for the creation of the Midwest region.

Other proposals like a return to the old national anthem and a return to parliamentary system will keep Nigeria perpetually turning round and round in circles while making no progress.

If that were to happen you can be sure that in another 10 years from now there will be fresh agitations for a return to the Presidential system and the current national anthem.

Nigeria will then continue its downward slide in its international ranking just as is happening in football simply because we keep perennially oscillating back and forth from foreign coach to indigenous coach. Recently, South Africa defeated us here on home soil 2-0 under a foreign coach.

Very soon, people will start clamouring again for an indigenous coach.

We should adopt one system, keep working at it towards perfection and with time we will be the best in the world instead of these endless experimentations. Let us not treat our system of government the way we treat our football.

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