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Buhari wants African youths to lead fight against corruption

President Muhammadu Buhari has called on African youth across the continent to join the fight against corruption by becoming its crusaders. Buhari said “this fight against corruption is yours to lead and to win in order to reverse the negative trends of corruption and its implications for Africa.” The president made the call on Sunday during the launch of the Africa Youth Congress Against Corruption (AYCAC2018), at the State House Conference Centre, Abuja. Buhari described corruption as once-hidden taboo and hydra-headed challenge that freezes the continent’s aspirations and dents the hopes of its youth for a newly emergent Africa. He said that the anti-corruption year of the African Union has been long and demanding, adding that year has also been filled with sharing of great lessons, promises and inspirations as well as some success stories on our journey to winning the fight against the evil of corruption. “The youth of Africa must pool their energies to effectively ensure that our natural and mineral resources remain on the continent for value addition, job and wealth creation as well as to create affordable health-care and quality education for the people. “Winning the fight against corruption is very much in your hands,” President Buhari told the youth. He emphasised on the imperative of investing in the demographic dividends through anti-corruption, education and sensitisation campaigns, targeting young people as a means of bringing about behavioural change. “I am pleased to observe that this Abuja Congress will take adequate stock of policy and institutional mechanisms in the fight against corruption as well as the role of technology amongst others. “I am confident that you will give due support to the continental strategies to: stem illicit financial flows out of Africa; expedite stolen assets recovery and return; strengthen the capacity of national anti-corruption institutions; explore the link between corruption and conflicts; strengthen oversight by citizens on budget performance. “Throughout this year, we have focused the strategy for Africa’s structural transformation on strengthening our collective anti-corruption fight. “I am therefore very pleased that with your support, we have kept faith with the African people, particularly our youth gathered here today,” he stated. The president recalled that during the mid-year summit of the African Union Assembly, African Heads of State and Government adopted the Nouakchott Declaration on the Anti-Corruption Year, to serve as a roadmap in the fight against corruption over the coming years. According to him, the declaration reiterated that corruption is not only an African phenomenon but a global one, especially when we consider Illicit Financial Flows where Africa, regrettably is in fact a net creditor to the world. The president encouraged young Africans to use this declaration as motivation to achieve greater resource investment in developing anti-corruption curricula and anti-graft campaigns in schools, businesses and the general public space. “African Youth must remain the front and centre of restoring traditional African values of probity, integrity, honesty, diligence and hard work. It is only when the youth drive this change, that corruption will be eliminated. “Youth meetings serve as vital platforms for young people to engage. I would like to recognise some of our young leaders here present who have demonstrated the zeal and determination to build the “Africa We Want,” he added. Mathew Dadiya, Abuja

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