
Asari Dokubo: When Wishes Are Not Horses

It is completely egregious the smoldering anger against the All Progressives Congress (APC) government in Nigeria, led by President Muhammedu Buhari from some souls possessed by evil spirits in the country.

The angst is coming from some inconsequential elements, with a sustained culture of personally profiteering from nuisance value.

Nigeria is unfairly peopled with these elements of distraction and agents of evil. So, most times, the demonic instincts riot in their brains.

And they erroneously feel, raising a baselessly negative voice against the government of the day, would cause ripples and attract attention to themselves from leaders who have damaging records of lucre and dreads exposure.

Yesterday in Nigeria, such elements flowered, but I don’t believe the theory today under a Buhari Presidency.

But these detractors have astounding strength and disarming boldness in weird criticisms. These days, the content and contour of the criticisms against President Buhari have morphed from his policies and programmes to utterances of death wishes.

They delude themselves with the power of God and so, freely decree death on another human being.

And in spite of the absurdities of such outbursts, those who voice it are the least ashamed of themselves, because they are clustered by a bunch of sycophantic hangers-on, who give them the false illusion of might for the “courage” to “attack” the President. I wonder how many of us really have the impetus to attack the President.

As I ruminated today, I got more confused how an apparent rogue like Muhajeed Asari Dokubo, whose only credentials for assuming national “relevance” and affluence was his capacity to assemble arms and ammunitions in the guise of militancy claiming the “protection” of the interests of the impoverished people of the oil-rich Niger Delta region.

Thus, illegally cornering the wealth of his people enough, Asari Dokubo today has the temerity and effrontery to foul the air against President Buhari.

Asari Dokubo professes the Islamic religious faith, but sees nothing bad in publicly wishing a sick man dead and in this case, President Buhari.

Even madness should have limits and decency. Dokubo claims President Buhari also wished him death. What could make Buhari condescends to such dishonour of personal interaction with an execrable and petrifying soul like Dokubo, to the level of wishing him dead?

So, the desire of these satanic agents to sustain relevance has pushed the likes of Dokubo into despicable and reprehensible conduct.

I do not see how the death of President Buhari would add value to Dokubo’s life. If by divine will President Buhari answers the natural divine call to join his ancestors, a reprobate like Asari Dokubo cannot sight the shadows of the seat of President of Nigeria. There is no basis for envy or any comparism.

In Ijaw nation, where the bloodcurdling Dokubo used his kinsmen to illegally amass wealth by unleashing brazen militancy, he has become very unpopular.

He is no longer a strong militant, as Government Ekpemuopolo (alias Tompolo) had snatched his disillusioned foot soldiers even before the Jonathan Presidency was terminated.

So, Dokubo is a sulking child, because in the Niger Delta region, he has cast a pariah status on himself. He feels the only way he can appease his demented and desolate soul is to intermittently launch hollow and baseless verbal assaults on the Presidency.

But Dokubo should understand it clearly that President Buhari has placed his likes on the economic hot seat and reason for public good.

They no longer have the liberty to casually stroll into Abuja with fake garments of regional activism in cruel militancy to pack monies in sacks meant for the development of the Niger Delta region to build personal empires at the expense of their suffering people.

President Buhari has no defective record of public service. And so, he cannot fund Dokubo’s life of lucre, by allowing him to step into Abuja to continue to corner the commonwealth of the region to live an ostentatious life.

He dares not think that the Buhari Presidency would allow his likes service their appetite for frivolous foreign leisure trips at the detriment of the education or provision of social amenities for the Niger Delta people.

Therefore, it is easy to glean that the only plausible explanation for his renewed madness is just seeking for an avenue to ventilate his pains and console his desolate self.

And it is understandable because a man who coercively bullied youths for followership has suddenly become an untraceable shadow in the region because his people have resolved that his tricks are no longer sellable.

Dokubo cornered the monies the federal government released for the rehabilitation of repented militants as leader of MEND, to reportedly establish a university in Benin Republic. And the youths have cursed his soul for the greed. He cannot run to Benin Republic for refuge either.

The Ex-MEND leader cannot even win a mere council chairmanship election in his state. So, it becomes very hard to comprehend the obsession with President Buhari, whose shoes he is the least qualified to merely price in the market.

But he must understand that wishing President Buhari dead is not the panacea to his array of self-contradictions and litany of problems. He is under a spell and until he returns the money he allegedly swindled his kinsmen, the curse might torment him to his grave.

That’s why Asari Dokubo parrots like a certified madman who has escaped from a rehabilitation home. Can someone discern the wisdom in Dokubo, when he fouls the air by asserting on President Buhari’s illness that “The sickness all the doctors have diagnosed him, he has gone through all the medical tests and yet, they don’t know what he is suffering from.”

You may be tempted to deny Dokubo’s psychotic disorder or insanity, except you analyze the statement. Here is a soul who says doctors have diagnosed but cannot locate the exact illness of President Buhari; but thereafter decries failure of Buhari to disclose the nature of his illness to Nigerians.

If President Buhari’s doctors in London have deployed the best of their medical expertise, but cannot find the exact medical affliction of Mr. President, as admitted by Dokubo, could the same person, adjudged normal wail about Buhari’s refusal to divulge the type of medical affliction that marooned him in London for more than three months?

How can a man be asked to identify what he does not know? It is only in the jaundiced reasoning of a mentally deranged soul like Asari Dokubo such permutations are possibilities.

If God Almighty has reason to curse any Nigerian, Asari Dokubo is prominent on the list. Can he recount the number of countless innocent youths of Niger Delta he orchestrated their untimely and gruesome deaths in the creeks and jungles of the region with his criminal brand of militancy?

It is the same impoverished people he claimed fighting a cause to improve their lives that he duped when money was finally released under the Amnesty Programme to better the existential conditions of these youths.

At that point, it was no longer about the general interest of Niger Delta people, but the personal interest or how to better the bread and butter for Asari Dokubo and his family.

Community curse is hovering on Dokubo’s head at the moment and the reason for his confusion and madness. He is strongly advised to explore avenues to dislodge the curse before it drags him to the level of beginning to “wack” his own soul.

Each time the likes of Dokubo wishes to conceal their destructively fetish and selfish agenda on Nigeria, they attempt to mask it with what would give it a semblance of concern for the nation.

His pretensions of concern about President Buhari’s killing of Shia Muslims is one such gimmick constantly deployed to service their evil plot against Nigeria unnoticed.

But there is extent such intentions can be veiled without Nigerians decoding. Dokubo’s latter-day passion for the plight of the Shia Muslims is just circumstantial alignment with them, for their terrorists’ instincts; hence both Dokubo and Shia Muslims in Nigeria are comrades in terrorism sponsored by external forces bent on brutally ending the union of Nigeria.

Nigerians are wiser and no amount of deception by ravenous wolves like Asari Dokubo can blur the senses of the people any more. Dokubo wished President Buhari death, but “Sai Baba,” or “Mai Geskiya,” as he is fondly called by his teeming admirers and, like the proverbial cat with nine lives, has refused to die.

The President is back and like Dokubo unconsciously wished him; he is back “hale and hearty.” He is amazingly stronger and more determined than he was in 2015 when he assumed the reins of leadership.

Wishes are not horses, if they were horses; beggars like Dokubo would have rode. To wish Buhari death means Dokubo is digging his own grave because the few of them who passionately hate President Buhari because he has vowed never to allow then visit evil on Nigeria as done in the past have a long time to contend with him.

God Almighty himself has approved of his emancipation mission in Nigeria. And predictably, all those who have wished Buhari death might die before he concludes his cleansing and renaissance mission in Nigeria.

Timothy, a pro-democracy activist writes from Port Harcourt.

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