February 8, 2025

Africa ranks 4th in Q1 global Internet users’ index

The World Internet Statistics has ranked Africa as the fourth across the globe with 9.4 per cent in its first quarter Internet users’ ranking by regions.

The ranking also placed Asia first among other seven continents with 50.1 per cent; followed by Europe with 17.0 per cent; Latin America and Carribean with 10.3 per cent.

North America was ranked fifth in the continents with 8.6 per cent; Middle East with 3.8 per cent; and Oceania cum Australia with 0.7 per cent.
The actual world internet usage and population statistics as at March 31, 2017, recorded Africa Internet users at 353,121,578, Asia 1,874136,654, Europe 636,971,824; Latin America and Caribbean 385,919,382.

The Middle East also has 141,931,765 Internet users as at the period under review followed by North America with 320,068,243 and Ocean-cum Australia, 27,549,054.

The Internet usage information, the report revealed, comes from data published by Nielsen Online, by ITU, the International Telecommunications Union, by GfK, by local ICT Regulators and other reliable.





By Tony Nwakaegho


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