
A Nuisance That Should Be Ignored

By now online newspaper, Premium Times should be getting the accolades it desperately wants for its role in sabotaging the anti-terror war. Only that such accolades are coming from its neocon financiers and its posse of brain damaged readers who cannot see beyond their sadistic joy of trolling the military that has sacrificed much to keep the country safe.

For emphasis, let it be unequivocally stated here that, the military as we have today is completely engrossed in the task of ensuring that all of us go to bed with our eyes closed and that the territorial integrity of the nation is never compromised by any force(s) unsuccessfully bent on causing mischief among the nation’s configuration, under any guise.

Granted that the constitution in section 22 stated that “The press, radio, television and other agencies of the mass media shall at all times be free to uphold the fundamental objectives contained in this Chapter and uphold the responsibility and accountability of the Government to the people,” the framers of the constitution definitely did not envisage that a media entity would hide under the performance of this sacred duty to undermine the very nation whose interest the mass media were expected to protect. There is also no directive to commit crimes in pursuit of delivering on this mandate – like making troops breach operating procedures or leaking information in a manner that jeopardise the safety of their compatriots who have sacrificed everything at their disposal to stay committed on the battleground with the aim of securing our nation from insurgents.

It was disheartening that, the pro-Boko Haram reportage from this platform got to a sickening dimension recently. This made the Theatre Commander of the counter-insurgency war, Operation Lafiya Dole, Major General Lucky Irabor to call attention to it. Thankfully, the commander acknowledged that other media organisations have been supportive of the anti-terror war by being considerate for national interest. The other media were thus factual, objective and accurate in their reportage whereas Premium Times went out of their ways to fabricate lies, non-existent stories aimed at demoralizing the military through denigration.
But that will never see the light of the day as our dedicated troops are glaringly complying with every term of engagement at its best practice.

Right thinking people should be able to critically evaluate and realize that this does not in any way make the media organizations that are supporting the anti-terror war lose their objectivity but has instead confirmed that they realized the need to strike the right balance as dictated by common sense.

Sadly, Premium Times rushed to town to celebrate its indictment as if it is something to be proud of. A derisive report it published to revel about its misplaced importance gleefully recounted how its managing editor, Idris Akinbajo sent out an email asking its reporters not to be intimidated and to continue cooking up damaging report about the army. Akinbajo reportedly further commented that the newspaper was ethical and considers national interest in its reporting. The fact that it regularly slant facts deliberately to rubbish targeted organizations was glossed over.
Of what purpose is this going to serve the media outfit in particular, the nation and humanity in general?

This kind of attitude and mindset from both the publication and those running it is unfortunate as it exposes an ignorance of world dynamics in dealing with existential issues by nations.

Firstly, these folks running propaganda for Boko Haram are deluded to think they have patterned their reportage after what obtains in the United States and other “democracies” whereas these same countries would swiftly slam charges on any of the their nationals that frolic with terrorists on the scale Premium Times is doing under several statutes. When the activities of an individual or organisation are proven to be in pursuit of offering advantages to known enemies of a country there is a name for it.

Secondly, it is cool to attend many of those paid for trainings especially with all the sweeteners thrown in under the cover of scholarships, fellowships, partnerships, travel grants and the what-nots – Premium Times as an organisation and its staffers as individuals are regular beneficiaries.

Equally, many have tend to wonder and the slightest query into the modus operandi of the once referred organisation, will reveal how those bankrolling these lofty programmes are connected with those scheming the destruction of Nigeria including those who mischievously did their best to ensure that Nigeria is unable to buy equipment needed for fighting terrorism.
The NGOs to which this willing publication is paired are equally as complicit in a wider arrangement that see them providing validation for when media offensives are to be launched against state institutions to strengthen the position of the terrorists.

Unfortunately, these highly “professional” bunch have never been able to research beyond the haste for filling the online applications for these foreign largesse to know that these avenues are the way they are recruited, brainwashed and eventually compromised by professional case handlers into becoming mindless zombies sent out to try to report Nigeria into extinction. The test of this claim is for these fellows to come out and point to just one of their foreign trainers, partners or handlers that reports their own countries the way it is imbued in them to report Nigeria.

Furthermore, there is that prevailing ignorance to over-hype the significance of the role played by the media. By now those that put Premium Times to this satanic use have had the taste of their own impotence from the landmark election of Donald Trump as the next US President. The hate campaign they mounted against Trump first as a hopeful and later as the Republican candidate is not too different from what is being done to the military institution in Nigeria.
As it was to emerge later, the fact that a media organisation has chosen to attack one side does not make that side bad neither does it over-glorify the side it has an unholy alliance with. Hilary Clinton that was their darling had enough baggage to sink an aircraft carrier but they sang her praises same way the referenced newspaper is covertly singing Boko Haram’s praises.

Another ignorance that exist is among those that cook up the stories that go on the website of the newspaper.

It is that ignorance and blatant error in thinking process that carrying visas of the “powerful” nations on the planet is a guarantee of passage to and eventually residing in the countries they are working for when they are done burning down Nigeria. How wrong. They should look at the Middle East (including Libya) and they will see collaborators like them left behind for ISIS to slaughter – it makes useful propaganda material to report about “pro-western” or award winning journalists being butchered. A note of caution must be sounded that, based on the happenings around such scenarios in other climes, it is better for a mature green leaf to bear in mind that, the fall of the yellow one is a harbinger of a calamity soon to befall it. A deliberately orchestrated fate may be lurking around he corner, serving as a booby trap awaiting unsuspecting collaborators in a situation (God forbid) of an imploded Nigeria. It appears to be a script.

One is tempted, to some extent, blame the military for falling for one trick; it should have ignored Premium Times because drawing attention to its anti-Nigeria reportage has provided marketing props for it to further present itself as a fearless newspaper.

Had its perverted antics been ignored it is a matter of time before its infantile readers move on to the next hapless victim they chose to troll. Going forward, the military, as a policy, may wish to ignore Premium Times. All other victims of the newspaper’s trolling would do well to ignore it and see if it does not naturally go into extinction. Once trolls do not get the expected feedback they lose the kick they get out of their sickening game.

As for Premium Times, it is not too late to come back on the track of responsible journalism. This is the only way hey will reclaim their glory and become major contributors in the agenda setting, reportage on developmental efforts, educate, unite and authoritatively inform the people. That is how responsible journalism is practiced in other civilised climes. It is simply truth that is powered with ethics. Theirs should not be different, atleast in the circumstance of our existence.

Kolawole is a University lecturer and writes from Keffi, Nasarawa State.

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