
GTB Fashion: Organisers call out young African fashion designers


Ahead of the GTBank Fashion weekend coming up in November 2018, organisers have put up a competition tagged ‘Sketch to Fame’ geared towards calling on aspiring young African fashion designers the opportunity to have their original collection produced and showcased at the 2018 GTBank Fashion Weekend.

Younger designers are however encouraged to share five of their original sketches for a new collection on social media via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using the hash tag #Sketch2Fame as entries closes on Wednesday, September 26th, 2018.

Organizers also revealed that a panel of judges wills shortlist 10 participants who will move to the next stage and the audience will decide the final 3 entries whose collections will be produced and showcased at the 2018 GTBank Fashion weekend.

Sketch to Fame challenge is part of the GTBank Fashion Weekend initiative created to promote enterprise in the African fashion industry.

Entertainment in Nigeria has left the realm of occasional events at rented spaces or timed programmes on Radio and TV.

Entertainment today is on the go. One on One, Star and Fan,  24/7. With a window for instant feedback from the consuming audience.

Entertainment content is by far now more informative,  spontaneous, creative, competitive and interactive.

Welcome to the age of Social Media. Over 20 million Nigerians are actively on this platform and a handful have taken it upon themselves to use it to inform & entertain Nigerians all over the world every single day without let up.

 The time has come to give honor to whom it is due. To say thank you to those who bring a little sunshine into every day for us all.

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