
Using your talent to make money

It appears to me that giving of excuses is now the normal thing with  Nigerian Government and a large section of the populace. Ask any official, why are we not enjoying uninterrupted power supply over one year the government was sworn in. They will explain that the Goodluck Jonathan administration indeed voted huge sum of money for power supply but all was stolen. Ask why the economy is in meltdown and infrastructures collapsing? Why Nigerian crying for lack of money and food to eat. The Buhari-Osibanjo government has only one template response. The last administration ruined the economy with unprecedented looting. Few days ago, I read they have now shifted the blame to retired Gen. Ibrahim Babangida. The excuse bug has virtually caught  up with everyone in this government as they shirk responsibility and lay blames on the opposition.
In the same vein, if you ask any Nigerian why  is he/she suffering? He would tell you the government is not doing anything. The government could not provide jobs. Even if you are earning some money, there is  hike in prices of tomatoes, onions and garri. Truly, no one can deny that there is hunger in the land. There is no way  officials can know of hunger  because they do not buy from the same market. Moreover, they have more than enough money to buy whatever they want. Why is  the government blaming its  predecessors while the masses are   blaming the government?
There is the pathetic case of a young Nigerian who having completed his University  education in the United Kingdom, retuned to Nigeria in search of a job. He holds a Bachelors Degree in Information  Technology and  married with a baby. He sent his CV to various companies and one ICT company invited him for an interview in Abuja. He travelled to Abuja from Lagos. Unfortunately, the interview was postponed for two days and he ran out of money. Spurning the shame of begging, he went to a motor park to help put passengers into busses traveling  from Abuja to Lagos. Within few hours, he earned N5000. Hell  then broke lose.  A tout  at the  park decided to teach him a lesson.  The tout gathered his colleagues against this innocent man. They will not accept his narration. He had invaded their territory. They collected all the money on him. It was then a Good Samaritan got near to see what was happening. He listened to the man’s story, and gave him enough money to board a bus back to Lagos and asked for his CV. This was widely published in the Internet. When I read the story I asked why a UK trained Information Technology expert could not make a living with  just a laptop and Internet connection? This man has no business scrapping for a living with touts. Something is wrong somewhere. Why do we have to blame the government for not creating jobs. jobs for such a fellow? For me  this is a paradox.
Let me tell our leaders to stop the blame game. We elected them to serve us. Serve us. Fix the roads, the economy, the schools system and hospitals.
Nigerians should stop looking up to government for  jobs. You are the architect of your own fate. Rather, look within you to discover the inherent talent that God has given to you. Hone that talent and start using it. I know a young man who came home for Christmas few years ago. After the holiday as he was  strolling around his neighbourhood, he entered an hotel and demonstrated to the manager how he can develop a software for their operations. The hotel owner was excited. Within two weeks, the assignment was completed and the  man was paid. He got more contracts  from other hotels. He then decided not to return to the United States. Today he is owner of ‘Soft tribe’ one of the largest software development companies in Africa with headquarters in Accra, Ghana.
What is really your excuse for not making impact in this nation? Who is to blame? You are not a failure until you have somebody else to blame for your failure.
Let me reiterate that what will set you  free from  carrying  bowl begging for money is to recognise   your talent. Sharpen your talent and start doing something with it. Having a skill and still sitting at home will bring you to shame  and ridicule. Shun laziness. You can only fly in the wings of your talent to prominence. You can use your talent to make money anywhere. This applies to both man and woman. If you live your life to chance, you will not  have a chance  to make it. Only you can make your life a masterpiece.

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