Tips on buying a used car

AutoAdvise has some practical steps on how to purchase a good second-hand car:
1 Make an appointment to view the car. Take someone with you who knows about things mechanical if you do not.
2 First inspect the bodywork. Walk slowly around the car, starting and ending at the same point. Look carefully at each body panel. Look for signs of repairs and overspray. Open all the doors, the boot and the bonnet. Always examine the bodywork in good light, and do not inspect the car in the rain or if it is wet.
3 Check inside the car. Look at the general condition of the carpets and the upholstery. Test everything, including the electric windows, mirrors, sound system and seat mechanisms. If you are a non-smoker, check the ashtray for signs of cigarette ash. If you are a non-smoker, the smell of stale smoke might irritate for as long as you own the car.
4 Check the service book. Compare the actual mileage to the last service. Do the dates check out? If you are a little suspicious, check that the same ink has not been used for all the services.
5 Don’t appear to be over-eager to buy.
6 Once you are happy and are certain that you want to buy it, write down the price you would like to pay. Also, write down the highest price you are willing to pay. It’s a good idea to discuss this with your partner or a friend before making an offer.