Pregnant Behind Bars

Everybody is pregnant. Everybody has a gift waiting to be nurtured and pushed out. Every woman has a seed growing on the inside of her, but unfortunately, most women are masked by this reality.
Many don’t know that they are pregnant, so they make detrimental decisions that hurt their fetus (gift).
Some know that they are pregnant, but are nonchalant to the precautions they have to take. Few know that they are pregnant, and they are very happy, but they lack the support they need.
These three categories of women have something in common. They are behind bars; Mental Bars; Mental Walls; Mental Barriers. They feel fat, ugly, worthless and useless.
They don’t feel like they deserve to have this child, they don’t understand the magnitude of blessings they have. They really don’t know what to do with it. They are behind bars.
When women are behind bars, we end up with single parenting, wounded husbands, undiscovered dreams, and self-destruction. What is she pregnant with? What is the name of this child?
Passion, Resilience, Extravagance, Genius, Normal, Active, Needed, Talented and TOLERANT. She is P-R-E-G-N-A-N-T.
You are pregnant with all these attributes, but you are hidden. There is a barrier. Giving birth to a child behind bars can be very painful and excruciating.
Not only do you have that baby alone, there is a possibility of complications and eventually a still-birth. How do you liberate yourself so you can carry your gifts to its full potential and full term of manifestation? You are going to have to:
1.Accept that you are pregnant: As a woman, it is pivotal that you realize that you too deserve to have a baby. Enough of watching everybody else show their belle while you sit in a corner feeling sorry for yourself.
Can’t you feel that baby kick? It’s in there. Stop the pity party. We are tired of attending it. We are all so happy for you, but you can’t see why. Accept that you are smart.
Accept that you are beautiful. Accept the few pounds you’ve put on, it’s okay. God loves you like that. Accept who you are. You are a good mother. You are a great wife.
You are a wonderful employee. Without you, that company would have crumbled. You are the best! So many people are used to hearing who they are not, that they can’t see who they really are.
Don’t believe that. You are pregnant, and that’s the best thing that could have ever happened to you.
2.Be Happy: Don’t you dare abort this baby. Some people get sad when they realize that they can’t actually do something with their gifts.
The feeling of failure and not finishing what they’ve started creeps in, and leaves them weary and incapacitated. Sooner or later, they begin to withdraw from the very thing that gives them LIFE!
That is an enemy and you have to fight it. Fight it with all you’ve got. Fight it with your power and might. The symptoms of an abortion are: Procrastination, Indifference, Nonchalance, Exhaustion, Self Deceit, Destruction, Coma and Death.
Every single one of these events took a long time to play out, but you were in such a maze, that you couldn’t even see that you were driving off the road.
Unfortunately, many women have aborted their dreams, by not accepting and being happy for what they’ve got.
Identify what you are pregnant with: what do you do best? What keeps you up late at night? What leaps in your belle? What would you spend your last dime on? What would you sell your house for?
What will you inconvenience yourself for? That’s your baby! Whatever you do well, and extraordinarily, is who you are. Sing, dance, write, paint, design, draw, sew, knit or cook: You’ve got to identify it, to become it!
To continue next week