Namibia to continue exporting meat to China

An official of Meatco, Namibia’s leading meat exporter said on Thursday that Namibia had exported about 3,000 tonnes of beef to China and that demand had continued to grow.

Meatco’s Vice-Chairman Ronald Kubas told Xinhua that China remained an important market for Namibian beef.
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“We have so far sent over 130 containers of meat to China and this market is far much more lucrative to us as the demand continues to increase.
“We are continuing with the export of beef to China in the future as we sustain our European market.’’
Kubas added that Namibia was considering importing cattle from Botswana for restocking to avert drought effects and improve their beef quality for export to both Asia and Europe.
“Drought is a recurrent nature of our country and we have put in measures to deal with this in future.’’