France complicity in Rwandan genocide evident– Report

A recent report has fingered France as having played critical role in the execution of the horrible East-Central African nation of Rwanda Genocide in over 20 years ago.
The report by a US law firm commissioned by the Rwandan Government reinforced the issue of French complicity in events leading to the 1994 Rwandan genocide and called for a full probe into their French involvement.
Agency report stated that “The Muse Report,” concluded that senior French officials “were aware of and aided the actions and goals of both the Habyarimana government and the génocidaires who seized power at the inception of the genocide against the Tutsi”
Daily Times recalls that in the spring of 1994, violence erupted in Rwanda after a plane carrying then President Juvenal Habyarimana was shot down.
Thousands of ethnic Tutsis, a minority group who became a target after the president’s death, sought refuge in the country’s Catholic and Protestant churches were they were massacred even by the priests.
The church had until the 20th of November 2016, denied that it planned and aided the killings of over 800,000 Rwandans with tens of thousands butchered by machete-wielding extremists and priests alike in a number of Catholic parishes in Rwanda where they took refuge.
Meanwhile, the report compiled by Washington-based Cunningham Levy Muse LLP presented evidence suggesting that France armed the genocidal machinery by among others facilitating meetings of attackers in its embassy in Kigali.
Historical clarity is crucial and concerns us all. The Government of Rwanda commissioned the Muse Report to inform our ongoing investigation into the role of French officials before, during, and after the genocide.
French actors are also said to have provided safe communication channels for genocide masterminds and subsequently habouring fugitives. The further adds that accountability processes are also being tampered with by the French.
The Rwandan government according to a local media outlet confirmed that the report has been shared with the French government. Paris was yet to comment on the latest development in a matter that stoked diplomatic tension leading to the recall of Rwanda’s envoy to France.
Foreign Affairs chief, Louise Mushikiwabo was quoted to have said: “Historical clarity is crucial and concerns us all. The Government of Rwanda commissioned the Muse Report to inform our ongoing investigation into the role of French officials before, during, and after the genocide.”
Germany colonised Rwanda in 1884 as part of German East Africa, followed by Belgium, which invaded in 1916 during World War I. Both European nations ruled through the kings and perpetuated a pro-Tutsi policy, but the Hutu population revolted in 1959.
Bonny Amadi with agency report