Forever Young

Women as young as 25 are investing a large amount of money to stop, slow down or rewind the ageing process. More women are decidedly steering clear of intrusive surgical procedures (such as facelifts) in favour of non-surgical treatments.
Botox is an expensive non-surgical procedure that involves injecting diluted toxins into facial muscles, using a fine needle to minimize discomfort. Although this procedure is painless for some, others feel the pinch of the needle resulting in feeling both sore and bruised post-treatment. Results can be seen within 2 to 4 weeks and lasts for up to 6 months.
Fillers are injected into fine lines and wrinkles, filling them in less than 30 minutes with long-lasting results (12 months or more). This non-surgical procedure relaxes the muscle under the wrinkle and can be used to lift sagging areas such as the cheek and temple. Make sure to hire a certified professional to carry out this procedure, as malpractice can lead to complications such as nerve paralysis or even blindness.
Chemical Peels are very popular, involving the application of an acid-based solution onto the skin. The intensity of the warm or burning sensation of the acid differs from patient to patient and also depends on the type of chemical peel used. Stronger peels may cause the skin to resemble sunburnt skin, and therefore requires a few months to heal. Samantha Jones, a fictional character from the American hit 1990s television series HBO’s Sex And The City, demonstrated this side effect in a humorous way. Samantha was forced to hide her face under a wide brim hat during a social event, following a deep chemical peel treatment performed on her face the day before. It is advised not to use a chemical peel home kit and instead seek for a licensed and certified dermatologist to carry out this procedure to avoid any health risks.
CO2 Laser is a non-surgical treatment that uses a very short-pulsed carbon dioxide laser to help stimulate collagen production. Unlike Botox and chemical peels, the side effects – swelling and redness – are not as prominent and usually clear up after a few days.
Collagen is an anti-ageing treatment that involves injecting collagen directly into targeted areas of the skin to fill wrinkles. This non-invasive procedure is also used for enhancing lips – both in size and plumpness. Results are almost immediate and last for up to 6 months.
IPL uses Intense Pulsed Light to smoothen fine lines. The wavelength of light sheds old skin, making way for youthful smoother skin. Slight discomfort may be felt after the procedure and results aren’t always immediate, sometimes taking up to 12 weeks to see results. This treatment is also used for hair removal and to treat sun-damaged skin.
Thread Lift is a great choice for those who don’t like the idea of going under the knife, but want the immediate results of a surgical facelift. Special “threads” are used to gently lift and reposition tissues in the skin. Local anesthetic is required for this treatment and recovery time takes between 2 to 3 days.
Would you ever go under the knife or try a non-surgical treatment?