Climate scientists gather in Kathmandu as country reels from floods and landslides

Agency Report
Local reports say more than 260 climate scientists gathered in Nepal, one of the most climate-vulnerable countries in the world, to discuss climate change’s impact and assess vulnerability and adaptation measures.
This happening at a time when the country is being battered by torrential rainfall, which is being linked with effects of climate change, as climate scientists and bureau members of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) from more than 60 countries are in Kathmandu for the Second Lead Authors Meeting of IPCC Working Group (II) for deliberations as part of their preparation for the Sixth Assessment Report which is scheduled to be out in 2022.
Policymakers and climate scientists hope that the timing of the gathering in Nepal is perfect for drawing global attention to Nepal and the whole region which is highly vulnerable and already witnessing adverse impacts of climate change.
In the most recent instance of extreme weather events in the country, incessant heavy rainfalls floods landslides claimed more than five dozen lives in various parts of the country.
“Meeting here in Kathmandu reminds us–in a very direct way–of the strong interdependence of human and natural systems, and how both are threatened by climate change,” said Working Group II Co-Chair Debra Roberts.
Nepal is considered one of the most vulnerable countries in the world for climate change effects. The latest landmark study in the Hindu Kush Himalaya region, which covers 3,500 kilometres across Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Pakistan, has projected an alarming future for poor and geographically challenged countries like Nepal.
The study by the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) has concluded that the region would lose one-third of the region’s glaciers by the end of the century.
“The purpose of our report is to provide options for adaptation action that will enable cities like Kathmandu and ecosystems such as the high mountains to thrive and contribute towards improved well-being and sustainable development.
Key aspects of our report and reasons to act on climate change are very evident here,” said Roberts.