Care to have bigger, tighter, firmer butt naturally? Try this

A big butt is sexy, feminine and a major turn-on. Your man will hate to see you go, but he’ll love to watch you leave. A firm, rounded butt is on many female’s wish-list and the good news is, it’s not impossible to achieve. One simple way to speed up the process is to identify your body type and work with what you have, instead of following a generic exercise routine that may not produce the best results for your particular body type.
To determine your body type, all you really have to do is look at the mirror. If you can’t easily identify your body type, another good indicator is where you notice the most weight gain first. If a bag of chips automatically equates to a softer stomach or jiggling thighs, chances are these problem areas are consistent with the kind of body you have.
Ways to acquire that Butt:
1. Heel Raises: Heel raises are excellent for developing a rounder butt. You can use ankle weights or resistance bands to maintain tension for better muscle growth in the gluts and hamstrings.
*Begin on your hands and knees in a tabletop position. Drive the heel of one foot straight up towards the ceiling, maintaining a 90-degree angle at the knee. At the top of the movement, take a second to flex the glut muscles as you exhale.
*Inhale as you slowly bring the knee back down, crossing it over the opposite knee.
Tip: For a more intense workout, do 1 to 2 minutes on one leg, then continue with another 1 to 2 minutes on the same leg, but this time extending your leg straight out. Once these 2 to 4 minutes set is complete, switch legs.
- Jump Squats: Jump squats are great for gaining strength and burning fat.
*To start, slowly lower yourself into a squat making sure your knees don’t pass your toes. This is called the safe-squat position.
*Next, spring up into a straight jump and land in the same safe-squat position. Repeat this movement continuously for 30 seconds.
- Single Leg Bridges – which are great for your body and build sexy VS model legs.
*Lie on your back with one foot flat on the ground and one leg straight up in the air.
*Exhale as you place your weight into the heel of the foot on the ground and drive your gluts up aiming to make your body straight from shoulder to knee. At the top of the movement, flex your gluts and inhale as you slowly return to start position. Repeat and inhale for 20 repetitions per leg, pulsing at the top for 10 seconds at the end of each set
- Do Cardio: by getting your heart and lungs going is the absolute quickest way to burning fat. You don’t just want junk in the trunk, you want toned, rounded goodness
Foods to eat to get a bigger Butt
So after you’ve done some of our super booty blasting exercises, your buttocks is now in a position to grow. At this point, there will be tiny microscopic tears in the gluteal and surrounding muscle (aka your butt).
At this point our buttocks is in the repair cycle. It desperately wants the right amount of calories, the right type of healthy foods, and the right healthy mixture of carbs/fat/proteins to ensure the most growth possible. Your body will let you know when it’s hungry, just be sure to fuel it with the right type of foods.
Big Booty foods by macro-nutrient sources
- Protein: This is what typically every woman will need to eat more of to help make her butt bigger. I recommend you try and get a protein source in every meal you eat. Around 15-30g of protein per meal and also get a good protein shake to drink after your workouts and possibly in a meal or two.
Some healthy sources of good protein for a bigger butt includes: Eggs, skinless chicken breasts, salmon, Tuna, Tilapia, cottage, Cheese, Turkey, Protein Powder, Steak, Beans& Legumes(kidney, chick peas), Extra extra lean ground beef, vegetable burger, soya nuts, virtually any fish,(not fried), most lean cut meats.
Carbohydrates: Brown rice, sweet potatoes, oats, weetabix, 100% whole grain bread, low sugar breakfast cereal.
Fat: Excess calories and bad foods make you fat, and more prone to getting fat. Healthy sources of good fats are essential and can help to actually lose weight or achieve better body composition. Such healthy fat sources include: fish fat/oil, (fish oil pills, salmon fat), extra virgin olive oil, nuts (almonds, cashew), peanut butter, almond butter.
Vegetables: Vegetables contain tons of anti oxidants, nutrients and other goodies that are essential for a growing body. You can typically eat as much of these as you want without fear: Broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, kale, virtually and dark green vegetable.
So remember simply start adding, replacing or mixing these healthy food sources into your current diet for making your butt bigger. Healthy foods like these are absolutely essential for laying down the materials to help your butt grow after our booty building exercises.
Mutiat Alli