Body seeks collaboration with NAPPS to curb exam malpractice

Chairman, Exam Ethics Marshall International (EEMI), Ike Onyechere, has called for more collaboration with the National Association of Proprietors of Private Schools of Nigeria (NAPPS) for institutional support towards strengthening the campaign against exam malpractice.
Onyechere, who was speaking in an interview in Abuja on Wednesday, said the campaign of NAPPS was significant towards curbing exam malpractice in the country.
He added that the enlistment of NAPPS in support of exam ethics campaign provides good example for other associations to follow as the example was in terms of the type of inter-agency multi-stakeholder collaboration needed to successfully combat exam malpractice and mainstream exam ethics.
“NAPPS, as the regulatory and representative body of proprietors of private schools in Nigeria, is a critical stakeholder in terms of facilitating the success of efforts to mainstream ethics, integrity and best practices in education.
“There are more private schools that are models of best practices with world class infrastructure and facilities than the number involved in malpractices.
“NAPPS active and vocal participation in the exam ethics campaign will inspire more private schools towards best practices and away from exam malpractice.
“NAPPS Nigeria stands highly commended for the decision to accord institutional support to the exam ethics campaign and to fully participate in the forthcoming conference as combating exam malpractice is now a matter of life and death.”
Onyechere also noted that lives were being destroyed by failed projects and services in healthcare, education, judiciary, construction and other sectors.
He said these were being delivered by incompetent and unethical products of educational institution produced and certified through systemic exam malpractice.
According to him, besides the pervasive cancer of corruption, which is eating deep into the vital organs of society, is a direct consequence of the collapse of the moral infrastructure in education.
“Support for exam ethics campaign is therefore a matter of self-preservation.
“This is because nobody knows who will be the next victim of the next failed project or service by the next incompetent and corrupt leader, professional and worker certified and licensed through exam malpractice,” he said.