Bishop Tom Samson Defend Luxury Lifestyle

The General Overseer of Christ Royal Family International Church, Bishop Tom Samson is one of the revered pastors whose taste for exotic cars attracts controversy here and there. The success story of Bishop Tom Samson has left many pondering over the secret.
Today, he has a Royal City reportedly worth about N4 billion. His 1000 acres at Iyana-Iyesi, Ota, Ogun State, boasts of a thousand chalets, hospital, vocational training centre, publishing outfit, a mini stadium under construction, college of education which had its first matriculation in 2011. He also has a 5,000 seater auditorium, fully furnished male and female hostels.
Meanwhile, many have condemned his opulence lifestyle while some are of the opinion that, he deserved to enjoy every bit of his wealth.
However, the man of God has taken his time to tell those who care to listen that, God has richly giveth us all things to enjoy saying “The controversy now is that why should a man of God use good things? There’s nowhere in the scripture that condemns that.
Are we now saying that good things are for the agents of Satan? Bible says God created all things in this world. Every good thing you see, God created it.
Bible says all these good things God created, He has empowered us to enjoy them. If those who are criticizing me want to be mediocre, to be poor, I am not fighting them. But to me Tom Samson, my God says He giveth the power to get wealth.”
Isaac Oguntoye