Opinion Religion

Bishop Oyedepo: Islamists Are Bent On Islamizing Nigeria, But This Is Not 1964

“There is a strong plan of Islamization attempt in Nigeria, Jihad has been declared in Nigeria.They are bent on the Islamization of Nigeria.. I don’t mean the Islamic religion, we have been living peacefully together since forever, I mean the Islamic Politics”. – Bishop David Oyedepo speaking yesterday (sunday) on the current state of affairs in Nigeria. Especially as regards Fulani herdsmen, attempt to remove CRK from sec. schools,etc

Well i must say i know this to be true (especially when those that killed a preacher were instantly aquitted…attempts to debase(sack Church leaders etc) its just that many continue to deny it, i am also confident that God will scatter the plan to the calamity of the planners, My confidence does not mean i will not pray because prayer is my only weapon ..i have no ak47 byt my prayer is more powerful than a Nuclear bomb in Jesus name..felow Christians its time to pray againi o!!!

Transcript :

“God sent me to this generation as a prophet not to Nigeria. And i have very clean idea as to where Nigeria is heading….

The National Christian Elders Forum last week in their meeting cited that Nigeria has launched a Jihad. But as we pray as a church evil will be averted. The Islamists are bent on Islamizing this country but this is not Nigeria of 1964.


I vow under God as a prophet it will not see the light of day…The attempt to scrap Christian Religious Knowledge from the syllabus of sec schools is an aberration of the constitution ..CAN has spoken, PFN,NCEF has spoken …

Anyone that wont give this country rest God will send him to silence..anyone planning towards bloodshed it will only happen to them and their family, in the name of Jesus Christ

By Islamist i mean the Islam politics its not islam as a religion. We’ve been living together forever..Its not the Fulanis shooting those guns..no, there are people that have infiltrated them by a deliberate plan to launch a nationwide Jihad, but i tell you that’s why some of us are alive today to say to the devil you’ve got no room in this country, enough is enough..Thank you Jesus

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