Timaya Not My Mate, Can’t Have Raunchy Chats with Him- Solid Star
In a recent interview with an entertainment media called QED, Dreadlocks-wearing music artiste, Soild Star, said for the umpteenth time that there was never any raunchy chat between him and Timaya.
He said Timaya is not his mate and to do that would have been disrespectful.
On the alleged raunchy chats exchanged between him and Timaya, where they were said to be discussing about having sex with several girls, Solid Star said, “It’s a lie, it never happened.
Timaya is not my mate, and I can’t be having that kind of chat with him. It’s so disrespectful.”
He also spoke about why he decided to feature Timaya on his song, Body;
“For every song you record, you’ll know who can murder it.
Timaya has always been a consistent hit maker. There was a time he changed the trend, and the whole industry followed suit. Look at ‘Sanko’ for example, Timaya is a game-changer.”