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Ultimate Love: Seven couples up for eviction this weekend

Since the check out of ‘Micherry’ from the Ultimate Love Pad, tension and anxiety has increased in the house with the game change; hence in its fourth week, seven couples have been nominated for possible check-out with at least one couple checking out of the show this weekend.

After the nominations, only Iyke Resa and David Presh are safe from this week’s eviction; however as the rule of the game, Aunty picked two couples ‘JayKech and ObiEbi’ who carried out a task to save themselves from eviction by visiting the Bethesda Home for the blind where they taught students and cooked for them respectively.

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After they returned from their assignment, Aunty visited the house on Tuesday, March 3, 2020, where she revealed her verdict. She picked Jaykech which means they are both safe.

The couples up for eviction includes Bolar, Chivia, Jelo, Jerition, Roskie, DoubleChris and ObiEbi

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