
Oracle University, New Horizons partner, unveils 12c in Nigeria

Oracle Incorporated through its learning arm Oracle University, with its global partner, New Horizons formally unveiled its latest update 12C which is the world’s first database designed for the cloud in Nigeria.

Over successive releases of Oracle Database continues to ease its customers’ efforts to standardize, consolidate, and automate database services.

Oracle Database 12c addresses the key challenges of customers who are consolidating databases in a private cloud model by enabling greatly improved efficiency and lower management costs, while retaining the autonomy of separate databases.

An official launch was held in New Horizons Training Centre at Ikeja, Lagos, recently by Oracle through its Workforce Development Programme (WDP) in partnership with New Horizons Nigeria, the Nigerian arm of New Horizons International (The World’s largest independent IT training organization) to commemorate this launch.

The launch attracted over 100 Nigerians, mostly industry experts and speakers at the event included Ottmar Kugelmann, Oracle’s University Director for Africa, Middle East & Europe, Lynda Abah, Oracle University Education Sales Representative in Nigeria.

The MD/CEO of New Horizons Nigeria, Tim Akano represented by Olusesan Adejoye, GM Technical/Quality Assurance, while declaring the event open, enumerate the strategic import of the Oracle 12c launch, and Norman Obeahon (GM, Retail Business of New Horizons Nigeria.

The event was centered around the updates of Oracle 12C and the available opportunities for organizations and individual in the current tech ecosystem.

With technical support for 11g gradually phasing out, individuals and organization were challenged to start focusing on upgrading to 12c.

A few of the reasons for the upgrade go thus: Better Upgrade experience- With an automated upgrade to 12C with the Upgrade Assistant, upgrading has become much better and less risky. There are lots of online resources and a whole series of Oracle technical seminars dedicated to the 12c Upgrade programme.

Multitenant and Pluggable Database: This has improved management and reduced time and effort for database upgrades, backup, recovery, etc. More effective server resource utilization allows for even greater levels of consolidation than 11g.

Automatic Data Optimization: A Heat Map feature monitors database read/write activity enabling DBAs to easily identify the data that is hot/warm/cold in terms of access frequency.

In-Memory Caching, Compression, and Column Store: This can dramatically improve performance and optimize server resources, and is surprisingly easy to implement since it is built into the database kernel and transparent to the application.

In addition, “My Oracle Support” engenders access of online resources to guide an Oracle Oracle Database Administrator (DBA) on the seamless upgrade from 11g to 12c and every Oracle Database Administrator (DBA) knows this is always a big factor in the decision of when to make the jump from one major release to the next.

The event featured Question and Answer session, discussion on the global available opportunities for Nigerians who choose to get the skill of database management which is currently in very high demand globally, advantages of training with an accredited training partner and vice versa and climaxed with a convivial photo session with industry experts and professional.

According to Ottmar Krugelmann, 70 percent of top corporate business in Nigeria run on Oracle and with innovations like this, the Nigerian landmark in information technology is expanding.

This upgrade to Oracle 12c in Nigeria has created a platform for Nigeria to inject world class database administrators into the market who can compete favourably with peers from other first and second tier countries with the help of world class training and certification partners in Nigeria. Impliedly, graduands of Oracle 12c have would have high employability ratio in the market.

To crown the occasion and to buttress her place on top of the list of global IT training companies and also to show her commitment to innovation and empowerment in Nigeria, New Horizons unleashed a barrage of training discounts for prospects to get ahead and be among the first to upgrade to Oracle 12c in Nigeria.

New Horizons is the face of IT training innovation globally and in Nigeria and features in at least 100 youth empowerment programs yearly. T

he company has successfully empowered about 1,000,000 Nigerians since inception while on a global scale the figure of people empowered is in the neighbourhood of 35,000,000.

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