Entertainment Interviews

Nollywood is one of the worst places to have female friends – Nazo Ekezie

Fast-rising actress and filmmaker, Nazo Ekezie has sure cut her onion in the entertainment industry having featured in numerous movies and still counting. The Ozubulu, Anambra State-born thespian spoke about her journey in the industry, challenges amongst others in this tell it all interview.

What are your plans for the year?

I have plans mapped out but that would kick off after this election. We can’t wait for the next person to make lives better for all of us.

How long have you been acting?

I have been here professionally since 2010.

Which was your first shot?

They were couple of movies I did. Two or three scenes, sometimes 5 then I go back to school but THANKS FOR COMING produced by Uche Nancy brought me to limelight.
After than I did another one titled Assassins with the likes of Mike Ezuruonye, Chacha Eke, and other. They were couple of other ones, but these were the movies that made people take me seriously as an actor.

Recently, you went into movie production, what inspired that move?

As some point I wanted to try something new. I developed this love for filmmaking. It has been there for a while. So, in 2018, I produced my first film. It’s titled Flawed. Featuring Ebere Okaro, More Duncan, my humble self, and other amazing actors.

How do you choose your cast?

There were no particular criteria before I choose my cast because I am that kind of person that watches movies a lot. So, if I see new faces that know their onions well, I take note of them. I have this producer eye.
So, it wasn’t really difficult for me to know who and who would be in my film. I had taken mental note of those that I wanted. I called them up negotiated with them and that was it.

What plans do you have for the movies, is it a cinema movie or YouTube?

This particular production would be on CD and for the internet.

What were the challenges you passed through as first time producer?

I think doing a movie as a producer and also acting in same movie should be for only superheroes, because it was not easy at all. I had to think for everyone to make sure that the production goes well. It was not funny at all. I had to think from every angle to make sure everything was okay. I had a very good production manager, but I really got myself worked up. Well, some people said it’s because it was my first time, that soon, I’d get used to it.
Another big challenge, I had was location issue. I paid for an office space in Lekki, then like a day before the shoot, the man in charge of the space called and said we can’t move in that the office was locked. Some government officials locked the place up. Then, he wouldn’t refund my money on time to get another office space. It was very tough, but I refused to be discouraged. We just changed plans and moved on.
The good thing is, I have learned my lessons. Now I know what those other producers face. What they pass through. Now I understand them better. I have learned anything can go wrong during production. And most times, some mistakes or lapses are not entirely their faults.

What location did you shoot?

I shot in Lagos, Lekki phase 1 and it’s axis. That’s why the production was hectic. But I won’t back down. I can’t find myself doing any other stuff aside acting. I’ll act movies till I age. Once in a while, I could do other businesses but acting is the love of my life. I can never stop making films. Never. The stress was fun. I love it. I enjoyed it.

How much did it cost you to put all these through?

I don’t think I can figure but it’s not above 10 million because it’s not a cinema movie, but I can say it cost me a lot of money. Shooting in Lagos wasn’t easy and I tried as much as possible not to limit myself. Where they was need for extras. I got them and paid for it. I made sure, there was no lapses.

What message is the movie passing?

Flawed the movie, is trying to say that people have reasons for doing what they do. We all are not perfect. No matter how good and perfect we seem to look from the outside, there are lots of issues we still have to deal with on the inside.
There are certain actions that people take and nobody would truly understand why, until he or she gets close to realise the reason behind that action. Nobody, male nor female should sit in one corner and criticize anybody’s actions without knowing what prompted it.
Everybody struggles with something. No matter how popular you are, no matter how great you look, there’s a demon you’re fighting within. Nobody everyone around you would understand. The movie also teaches that love concurs. That love would make everything right again.

These days everyone, especially celebrities are always online showing off different lifestyle, what’s your take on?

I can only say that it depends on who and what you want for yourself. I think my biggest problem is realness. I don’t know how to fake it or pretend. I can’t even snap besides someone’s car because there is no gain in it. I’m so real to a fault. Although the society would expect more from us as a celebrities. A lot of actors are pressured by the society.
Nigerians are conflicted, they want you to be humble, then the next minute, the complain you are too humble. These problems are often created by women. So, if people tend to live fake lifestyles, I won’t blame them. They have to meet up.

Sadly, now it’s like women against each other?

Women don’t like each other. Please, quote me, Nollywood is one of the worst places to have female friends. Because most female actresses see genuine compliments as something else.
The worst are those who are doing better and well paid, endorsements and all, with the fame, yet they still say rubbish about other actress in the industry. Every battle if I had faced in Nollywood is surrounded around women. It’s that bad. They believe once they have made it, nobody else should. These big actresses (the A-List). They are scary. Seriously. You would be in your corner, thinking they are all made and won’t stress it again. But they are the ones that are more jealous. Even on set.

I have heard from someone in the industry, that some of the actresses use juju to knock someone off the way to get a role?

Although I’ve heard stuffs like that but I don’t think I’ve come in contact with such.

Those that can’t provide are now going for females underwear, how do you secure your pants these days?

(Laughs). It might sound cliché but I don’t wear pants anymore. Because I’m not going to joke with my destiny and if there’s anywhere that I’m taking my clothes off, my underwear are going straight to my bag.

If you don’t wear panties what do you replace them with, especially when you wear gowns?

(Laughs)There are other things you can wear. You don’t have to go out naked. At first I took it as a joke but now it’s very serious matter. So, no more Pants.

Following the first movie you produced do you still plan on doing more movies?

Yes. Of course. As it stands now I’m reading another script for my next movie production.

Who do you wish to feature in your movies?

There are people I really want to work with. Bisola of Big Brother Naija is one of them. She is so special. Very real to the core. She make films very relative that you think it’s happening for real. I will do something good with her. I haven’t come across that script that would suit her but till then. Also I still hope to have my greatest role model, Bimbo Akintola in my movie.

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