News Opinion

The academia and conspiracy of silence

According to the Greeks, the purpose of education is to be a better man. But the reverse is the case in the societies today. Some see education as enriching themselves, building houses everywhere, having power in the village, building sky-scrappers and having power over the less privileged and the peripheries of the society, and acquiring all kinds of chieftaincy titles, thereby dethroning intellectualism, their books are covered with cobwebs, they no longer consult them.
The academia are in pursuit of money, hence they are polluted by politics of the day. They should maintain a critical distance from the politicians who are involved in populism ideologies. Marxist and Machiavellian principles. Their education should be used to sanitise the society and empower the populace.
Nigeria is what it is because of the conspiracy of silence. If they make proper use of the power of education they will not create a space for political neophytes to assault their sensibility and assault the society.
Their voice should resonate echoing the voice of justice and peace, thereby making the politicians sit-up for justice in the land. I will never forget what Pope John Paul II, now a saint said in his homeland, Poland addressing the people, politicians, academia, the Church and military personnel in a football stadium. At that time Poland was in a political limbo.
He said,”Poland enjoys arrogant use of power”. When he said this, the head of the military junta, Gen. Wojciech Jaruzelski adjusted his seat with browse knitting thought. It did not take long, Lech Walesa came in, and Poland came out of military regime. This was a wonderful intervention from the Vicar of Christ (the Pope).
Pope Francis was in Cuba, another Communist state with his entire intellectual, spiritual prowess, he spoke and the Marxist president listened. Then Obama, the first black American president went and spoke and the speeches began to resonate all over Cuba. Now, America has her embassy there. After 50 years of frosty relationship, imagine the American plane landing in Cuba; a wonderful political symbol of “Let us be one again” in spite of our ideological leanings.
Then Pope Francis visited America when Trump was talking of building a wall between Mexico and America, and the Pope said, “We should build bridges instead of walls” and these has entered into the brain waves of many global people. As for immigrants, the Pope said he is a son of an immigrant and that everyone is an immigrant.
The Pope has visited many countries mending all political fences that exclude others; his voice resonates again all over the world. The Pope is a man of reference point.
Aisha Buhari, wife of the President of Nigeria, with her robust education without mincing words or fear, spoke about what she has been experiencing in her political backyard. Knowing that she is a servant of the society, she had to speak out so that others will correct the political ills.
It seems that what she said has been dismissed with a wave of hand because she is coming from a background where men are the only ones who can speak loudly. It is the power of education that rubbished that kind of male and religious chauvinism. We cannot follow pre-historic ideas, even the so-called civilised societies where they rubbish women who aspire to become presidents. This is misogynism. Let them tell Hilary Clinton the aspiring president of USA to stop and stay in the kitchen and bedroom of her family. We are in a global world with global way of thinking.
In the case of Nigeria, what we see is a world of people living in their own cocoons and refusing to speak. Men of ideas and knowledge have continued to live at a low key because of political intimidation. No wonder Socrates said, “In the mist of moral crisis, those who maintain neutrality are heading to hell.” What is the use of our knowledge when we cannot use it for the growth of mankind? Should we leave the society alone for the money bags and political neophytes? That is the state of the nation right now. If the academia can learn something from Pope John Paul II and Pope Francis, there will be hope for the society.
The words of the academia should be words of empowerment. These are the social expectations from the society. If nobody motivates them, they sink into misery, poverty, alienation, loss of meaning in life for lack of somebody patting them at the shoulder saying, “Don’t worry, better days are coming.” We are born into this world to exercise our peculiarity. Otherwise, we will become an intellectual dust bin with no sense of empowerment.

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