Metro Sports

Survival: Victims Of Calabar Electrocution Cry Out Loud For Help (photo)

As shared on his Facebook timeline, Ifere Paul a social media commentator captioned “Victims of Calabar Electrocution Cry Out Loud For Help To Stay Alive.” and he also gave a brief story about the ugly situation below…

One on the injured victim of the Nyakasan electrocution incident that happened in Calabar Municipality, Mr Ferdinand Anok is at the point of dying.

I heard that the arrangement for him to be flown out to South Africa for treatment was concluded yesterday. The medical team that were suppose to go with him have already been given visas.

Information available is said to be that monies has not been release for them to travel til now even as he is under point of death.

This morning, according to a close source with information to the victim, “maggots has infested the wounds and faeces and other internal substances are beginning to come out from the wounds around his chest and stomach.”

Is this man going to be allowed to die after surviving the ordeal that left no fewer than 9 people dead? There had been so many pledges and promises from government, please the authorities should do the needful.

It will be a disservice to humanity to make promises to the living and then allow them to die because you don’t want to redeem the promises so made.

Our governor should be advised properly.

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