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In search of marital bliss

A couple, Obunike and Nzube Chukwuma contribute their quota to the growing need for marital harmony with a book, ‘Exploring The Will of God in Marriage (A Guide to a Successful Marriage)’.


There is no better time to write a book that strengthens marriage than now many marriages sre ending due to different issues.

So, the latest book in town, “Exploring The Will of God in Marriage (A Guide to a Successful Marriage),” should be read by anyone that wants to know the ingredients that can sweeten and elongate their marriages. The authors, Bro Levi Obunike Chukwuma and his wife, Nzube Chinweokwu Chukwuma,

revealed through the book that God’s intentions for Christians is to have an enjoyable and fulfilled marriage.

The book, which is divided into nine chapters begins with how marriage was instituted in the Garden of Eden, after God discovered that the man He created was lonely. So, God made a woman and joined them today. The authors laid emphasis on one man one wife and frowned at polygamy. In chapter two the book explains why God hates divorce and talks about God’s intentions for marriage which should be lifetime institution in chapter three. It goes further to explain that God made marriage primarily for companionship, relationship and to provide an illustration of our relationship with Christ, among others.

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Chapter four talks about How to Find the Will of God in Marriage (under the leading of the Holy Spirit. They advise intending couples to “Start on Time,” which is the topic for chapter five. The chapter also itemized six things one must look out for in God’s will which are: God’s will for you to marry a person who will not turn you away from Him and It is God’s will for you to consider the character of the person to marry, among others.

The book teaches people how to plan their weddings and also discusses three types of marriage namely: traditional marriage, church marriage and court marriage. The last chapter has some prayers points.

There was no noticeable grammatical error in the book, except a few sentences that supposed to have some punctuation marks. In fact, the book was thoroughly written and published, so, you can enrich your marriage with wisdom by reading it.

The authors are seasoned ministers of God in Anglican Communion, who have worked assiduously to propagate God’s word, having served in various branches. After serving at Anglican church, Ayobo, Lagos for five years, Bro Chukwuma has gone for further studies in pastoral training. The couple have been married since 2010 and are blessed with four children.


The book teaches people how to plan their weddings and also discusses three types of marriage namely: traditional marriage, church marriage and court marriage.

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