Life & Times Society

I don’t have male admirers… Toyin Kolade

Princess Toyin Kolade is a frontliner and a captain in the maritime industry in Nigeria. She is popularly known as Iyalaje of Apapa and she is an indigene of Ilesha in Osun State, Nigeria. She is the founder of Fisolak Global Resources limited as well as other reputable companies. In this interview with ABIMBOLA OBATAYO, she talks on her love life, business and other issues.

How would you access your business from the beginning of this year till date?
If I want to access my business this year, it is not the same as the previous year because of the increase in dollar rate. The economy is not at its best but we hope that things will be better as the Government is putting in their effort in making sure things are put in place.
What attracted you to the maritime industry?
When I was in the University of Ife, now known as Obafemi Awolowo University, I used to come to Lagos to buy men and women clothing for sale in school and I usually stop over at the ports to say hello to my brothers who were working at the tin Island and Apapa ports then. It was during my visits that I got interested in ships, cargos and everything that went on in the ports and I decided that I was going to venture into it someday.
What plans do you have to take your business to the next level?
I plan to make my business better than it was before, to improve my sales, make my customers happy as a maritime and clearing agent. To clear their consignment in time, to make sure their containers reach their destination in time and to make my importers happy. We want to be sure that our customers are happy with what we are selling; we don’t want them to complain about our services. When you have a good customer relation, you will ensure that you satisfy your clients and meet up with all their expectations
In what areas is your company affected by the ongoing recession?
The recession affects all and sundry. Firstly there is no electricity and the government want business owners to produce their goods in the country and wants everybody to use Nigerian made products meanwhile there is no constant electricity to operate. If the Government can look into the electricity sector, Nigeria will be the best production country because we have raw materials to work with. The chocolate that is being produced in Switzerland, the cocoa used to make it is exported from Nigeria and Ghana. We have a lot of cocoa in Nigeria but we export them to other countries and these countries are not blessed with raw materials like us yet they produce the best things. If we have stable electricity and gas, more investors will come into the country to invest. Government said we should eat made in Nigeria rice, we have enough land to farm, I think we should all go back to farming but we all want to go into importation which will not be advisable now.
If you are opportune to become the president of Nigeria today, what will you focus on?
Agriculture. Hungry people don’t smile and I love seeing smiles on people’s face. If given the opportunity, I will do everything in my power to chase hunger out of the country. Whatever it will take, Agriculture will be my priority.
You are a busy woman and travels a lot, how have you been able to make it up to your husband?
My husband can testify to this, I cook for him, I make him happy because as a business woman you must make your home your first priority, take care of your family and don’t get carried away by money. When you are happy at home, your business will blossom.
What attracted him to you?
It was love at first sight. We actually met in a church
Everyone talks about you in the society, but we know nothing about your children. Can you tell us about them?
I have a lot of children and you don’t count them. I have a lot of children in my custody, Tobi is my first child while Doyin is the second and she is in Canada. In all, I have four children, three boys and one girl.
What are your hobbies?
I love dancing, cooking and I love sports
You are very popular and beautiful, how do you handle your male admirers?
I don’t really have any male admirers except on Facebook and there is no way I will answer them. Where I come from, we don’t do such things. Even when people admire me, I tell them thank you but that does not mean I should engage in extramarital affairs because I am happily married with a good husband. I am from Ilesha and such a thing is prohibited.
Do you have time to relax?
No relaxation. There is no time except when I travel out of the country. When I wake up in the morning at times, about a hundred people will be on ground waiting to see me. So I seldom have time for myself.
What is the secret of your good looks?
I take good care of myself, I eat good food. I take living food and I use sheabutter for my skin. I don’t eat too much cooked food because it is not good for the health as well as cooked meat. I don’t eat meat, I eat fresh garlic than to take dead food.
How do you classify living food and dead food?
Living food are uncooked food like carrot, ginger, garlic, cucumber, watermelon etc and drink water regularly
Do you have any regrets whatsoever?
I don’t have any regrets, I am grateful to the almighty God for being there for me.
As the Iyalaje of Apapa, what is the most interesting thing you are doing in your capacity?
To help people and make them happy, that’s my philosophy of life.

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