Life & Style

Finecoat/Shield Paints Boss, Aderemi Awode Rewards Painters

The image of the CEO, Chemstar Manufacturing Company, Apostle Aderemi Emmanuel Awode, has been soaring high of recent what with the company’s decision to appreciate and reward painters who can bring as many paint covers of their premium paints from either the stable of Finecoat or Shield paint, as possible, to claim a cash prize from the paint company. Aside the premium products manufactured from the company which has seen it receiving thunderous applause from distributors and customers alike, Chemstar Manufacturing Company has made it a point of duty to appreciate the patronage of their customers which cuts across all walks of life. This is part of their effort to establish a mutually beneficial business relationship with the painters, who are major stakeholders in their business with a scheme, tagged ‘Cover 4 Cash’. The unique promo is staged as one of the line of activities put in place to celebrate the company’s 20 years in business.

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