
Alexis Thomas: Genius in the myth

In the fight against oppression of the downtrodden and the less-privileged, not many names would rise above that of Professor Alexia Thomas, a United Kingdom-based fiery human rights activist. With a special interest in the emancipation of Commonwealth citizens across the world, Prof. Thomas has carved a niche for herself as a voice of the voiceless.

For many years now, this fiery Nigeria-born British Chairman, The Commonwealth Liberation Party, a registered political party in United Kingdom (UK), has waged a relentless war against oppressive regimes especially in Europe with her international connections. This she carried out in peaceful manner, though.

Born on the 2nd of March 1973, Prof. Thomas is a Philosopher, a musician, a humanitarian, a politician, a writer, a curator, a political advocate, an idealist, a socialist, a counsellor, a teacher, a rights advocate, a legal practitioner and a bureaucrat.

She is also the President, Independent Diplomat Commission (IDC), and Chieftain, Commonwealth Alliance Treaty Commission in United Kingdom.   Fondly called “Royal Mother”, she has been at the fore-front of fighting against the acts of slavery, injustice and dehumanization of United Kingdom Border Agency, UKBA against Commonwealth citizens.

Prof. Thomas was born in Nigeria to Mr. Thomas Anofojie Ihenyen and late Mrs. Bridjet Okhen Itua both from Esan Central, Edo State – Nigeria.

At birth she was named Elizabeth Ihenyen.

At age 4, her mother separated from her father and she her three siblings were taken to the village in Oghabgo-Ekpomo by her mother to live with their grandmother.

At age 8, her father fought hard to bring them back to Lagos where they lived and grew up with their step mother.

At age 17 she realised her talent in singing with the aid of her mother’s advice, she abbreviated Elizabeth to be Lizzy and Ihenyen to be Henz and became known as Lizzy Henz, which became her artistic name.

At age 18, she lost her mother to a mysterious death at age 35. Having had a mother who was the prettiest woman she ever knew, who spoilt her with rich gifts. She felt the death of her mother is a strife to achieve greatness not wanting to be consoled by the lost. Her father’s words of encouragement kept her going “Forget your mother’s wealth, strive to achieve yours”. Reasons being that Prof. Thomas mother was married to another man and this denied her access to her mother’s wealth. Ever since, her courage is not to value Gold and Silver but wake her conscious knowledge to develop life ethical wisdom.

At age 29 she got married to Mr. Lennox Igoche Ikwue and then adopted the name Lizzy Ikwue-Henz.

At age 35, she separated from her husband relinquished the use of her name Lizzy Ikwue-Henz and officially and formally adopted the name Alexia Thomas through deed poll change of name.

Prof. Thomas is a woman who believes in the dignity of labour. She is born into a family of four. She has a younger sister, Loveth born 1975 lives in Canada, a younger brother, Alex born 1976 lives in Nigeria and another brother, Victor born 1978 lives in America.

Prof. Thomas refused giving up her career and pushed her inspiration. She got herself a company to sponsor her album by name Diya Fatimilehin and Co. They invested in her demo and requested she travels to America for realisation of her dream. PThis did not happen after all due to some family pressure on her sponsor.

Nevertheless, a turbulent Nigerian economy, Prof. Thomas resulted to make her first album production locally.

At age 19, she gained admission to Federal University of Technology, Minna, Niger State to study Mathematics and Computer Science.

She met her first love Mr. Kayode Agbetusin, got pregnant with her first son, Torpy Agbetusin as refusing to abort the pregnancy left her a young mother and the birth of her son in 1994. She left University at 200 levels to live with her mother-in-law for support care of her son. Within 9 months after Torpy’s birth, her relationship fell apart with Mr. Agbetusin because she refused to give up her career as a musical artiste.

She could not return back to school in the North of Nigeria as Torpy was still too small for her to take the risk. She had a transfer to University of Lagos and repeated 200 levels again and later the school noticed the transfer was not properly officiated by her previous University. Prof. Thomas refusal to return to the Northern Nigeria to continue her education made her give course of study and was able to focus fully on her musical career alongside mother hood.

At age 22, she realised her first break through of a duo album with her partner Isaiah Okoro titled Evidence.


Prof. Thomas Mind Archaeology was born, like a fairy too fake to be real, she had a dream in August 1995, late Bob Marley with wife Rita and their children paid her a visit in her one room apartment in Ilogbo, Okokomaiko-Lagos.

In her dream, she questioned the fact why the dead were paying her a visit. In her dream she was sleeping while her guest arrived as she woke up in her dream sleep to receive her guest, she woke up in reality and realised it was a dream.

Ever since that night, her generic being as a genius was born. She has powers to do everything through her mind apart from waking up the dead. For the first time in 1995, her School of Taught was born “The Mind Science Regression”.

Her ability to travel back to time using the focus of Natural Mystic, as a result, her pen has been her sword. She writes the write, craft the craft, draft the draft and as an idealist her redemption is a world free of Human Torture and Life Equality between the rich and poor.

At age 25, she released her solo album called Woske. It was difficult for Prof. Thomas to achieve her dream as an artiste as she had no support from musical label since she refused to flirt with musical boss and their promoters so she went ahead to release both of her albums on her musical label called Lizalex Records.

At age 26, Prof. Thomas phenomenon gift of mind science healing began. She realised she could heal the sick from mysterious sickness. She could heal stroke patients. Her gift advanced to Hybrid Psychic.

She sees you deeper than a mere two eyes. She could see individual beings in the spirit and in the physical. She performed numerous healings. In 1995, she was confronted with a major task of delivering a female diagnosed with HIV.

She delivered the female using her mystical doctrine but sadly in payback she lost her two months pregnancy because of her failure to comply with the doctrine ethics hence non compliance practise. She delivered her chairman Dr. Ola from his stroke in the year 2000 which paralysed his entire body. Prof. Thomas finally abandoned her mind science healing till she is 67 in 2040, but on special invitation by close friends and associates, she still exercise the use of her gift of mind science healing.


She later left the shores of Nigeria as a music diva in 2004 and relocated to London. In the past 17 years in United Kingdom, UK, her fame has soared all over the Queen’s enclave for a different vocation but music. It all stems from her boldness, profound ideology in litigation philanthropy and various forms of human right crusades which has brought freedom and hope to hundreds of Commonwealth citizens that were earlier facing arduous and diverse British immigration problems.


PROF Alexia is the Chairman, The Commonwealth Liberation Party (TCLP), an opposition government in United Kingdom, Chairman, Commonwealth Alliance Treaty Commission and President, Independent Diplomat Commission (IDC), British Naturalized citizen whose face is very familiar in most homes in United Kingdom (UK) through her regular legal assistance to hundreds of Commonwealth citizens entering UK having various Immigration issues or court representation through her sound litigation attorneys who offers several assistance to citizens of Commonwealth inside UK that are having challenges with either the British police, Immigration or Home Office over illegal arrests or detention.

Alexia, highly revered for her political stance, economic acumen, human rights concepts amidst Commonwealth communities for her rich and deep knowledge repertoire all over Europe and UK revealed that she renounced her Nigerian nationality officially January 12, 2015. “I have renounced my Nigerian nationality on January 12, 2015 for British citizenship. I still retain my Nigerian heritage with ancestry rights. My skin may be black, but my mentality is that of a white person due to my deep spiritual inclination with Queen Elizabeth 1 of England, Her Majesty described in Hall of Fame as royal monarch whose name was epochal in world history for her sense of duty, preserving English peace and stability at a personal cost,” she had said then.

“Since Queen Elizabeth 1 lives in me, I strongly believe Countries of Commonwealth nations deserve total freedom through enforcement of free trade, travel and currency. We are to enforce Nations of Commonwealth in prompt obedience to upholding Articles 9, 13, 15, 22 and 26 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) 1948 United Nations Members State Bonded Oath of Allegiance. I am in the know that based on my work as an Independent Diplomat, I’m a Citizen of the World.”


In her quest to lead the ‘Movement of Liberation’ and ‘Prepare Men and Women for the Battle of Armageddon an ‘Enforcement of the Manifesto Mandate 21st Century of 2021, for a ‘Face of Change, ‘She Faced Challenges And Trials’, ‘She Faced Death’, ‘She Got Oppressed’, ‘She Was Imprisoned’, ‘The System Humiliated and Manipulated Her’, ‘She Wrote Free Nobles Of Consciousness Of Man’s Will For Government’, ‘Her Reforms were passed into Law’, ‘Her Ideas Were Stolen’ And ‘She Was Denied Recognition’.

To understand the Myth of Her Knowledgeable Professor Alexia Thomas in finding a lasting solution of the problems of the countries of the World and healing the pains with her Clinic of the Orthodox School of Thoughts, to treat the psychological torture Men, Women and Children have suffered for years from generations to generations, ‘Her Actions, World, Command, Authority and Power Can Be Interpreted For Man To Understand That Her ‘MISSION’ in the World is AN ORCHESTRATION OF A SYMBOLIC SUPERNATURAL BEING THROUGH THE FILM TITLED ‘THE CLASH OF THE TITANS’.

In one of her quest for fighting slavery, injustice and dehumanization of United Kingdom border agency, UKBA against Commonwealth citizens happen to hit rock as the strides she has made in nearly two decades seem not to be going well with some people at the United Kingdom border agency (UKBA).

In some of her moves, she wrote letters to Commissioner of Police, Metropolitan Police, New Scotland Yard  Titled: “UKBA personnel plot, decoy to assassinate me and eliminate my family”- 24th July 2008 ,

She narrated that her life was threatened daily by some personnel of UKBA, especially from Oakington and Collinbrook detention centers.

She exhibited strong political will as such in local election In United Kingdom (UK) (5th May 2016), ‘Britain Must Leave European Union, Commonwealth Citizens Don’t Cast your Vote for Britain in EU’.  She stood by to agree that European Union (EU) Treaty must be abolished and the European Union must be dissolved. She quoted: “You cannot push the wagon into the future without retrogressing into the past.”

“In the coming UK election, Britain Must Leave European Union or else they must be ready to kill Her Monarchy and destroy The Commonwealth. Commonwealth Citizens are advised not to vote Britain in EU.”

She maintained that there are Secret Plot of EU Agenda and Hunt for Judaism Exposed and UK making unending profit through Royalties for Commonwealth Nations.

Prof Thomas informatively backed her party statement of Britain Must Leave European Union, Commonwealth Citizens Don’t Cast your Vote for Britain in EU by exposing the relationship that exist between EU and Chinese Government, according to her: “The EU are busy occupying the Agenda of Great Britain, so also the Chinese Government are busy occupying the Agenda of Commonwealth Nations. What do both the EU and the Chinese Government intend to achieve by plotting Great Britain and Commonwealth Nations? The God of Men should watch out as the Dragon of Hell is being controlled in the body of Man to destroy the World.”To clam it all, European Union Treaty is a Criminal Act

As an activist, the rights activist also accused the police in the country of illegally detaining people in their cells against their rights. She named the British Immigration and other such law enforcement agencies as culpable in the silent killing of citizens from Commonwealth. These killed citizens, according to her, are buried in unmarked graves.

The rights activist also accused the police in the country of illegally detaining people in their cells against their rights.

In a petition she wrote and copied all top officials of government as well as the office of the Queen, Professor Thomas said Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, the Commissioner of Police, New Scotland Yard could be stripped off his honour for allowing injustice on the citizens of the nations of Commonwealth.

She wrote the British Police Commissioner a letter dated 26 February, 2016 over rights abuse and queried Why Commissioner of Police must open up on historical & current cases of homicide and copied Queen Elizabeth II, Prince of Wales, Prime Minister, Buckingham Police Dept, Parliament; House of Commons, Foreign & Commonwealth Office

In a letter also copied Queen Elizabeth II, Prince of Wales, Prime Minister, Buckingham Police Dept, Parliament; House of Commons, Foreign and Commonwealth Office in a bid to bring to their attention all salient issues raised.

“Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, as a law graduate, I would have expected that you challenge the obscenity of Cameron’s government, rather you will see it has nothing to do with you and you refuse to expose the atrocities committed against the citizens of Commonwealth. Your officers must check themselves, they have failed their strangers unequivocally and your land, their settlement.

“The whole British Police Force needs serious overhauling of their institution as their criminality has brought dis-reputation to law integrity. You have soaked yourself in political mud of corruption. The British Police as a force now confraternized and using deceit diplomacy to imprison people.

Why Commissioner of Police must open up on historical & current cases of homicide

For the purpose of truth, justice, fairness and posterity, Professor Thomas brings to the attention of Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe the need to open historical and current cases of homicides. She said: “Mr. Commissioner, your office must open historical and current cases of homicide as judgement must prevail; hence no man is above the law.

“Failure to open these investigations becomes evidential race superiority complex is a sicken trait, therefore Britain rather be an Island of its own, so Commonwealth nations must not be cheated in a white man’s deceit to steal their Gold and give them rubbles.

“Evidence proving that immigration officers killed unlawfully is in a letter on our server which in its re-investigation is a cold case as justice is required for the unlawful death of the Commonwealth citizens and ignorance of duties is death of service.


Prof Alexia believes in Saintism. Saintism’ as a religion which protects the human race, she strongly holds that Saintists are human guardian angels.

Saintism practise is the religion that appreciates the beauty of human creation. The Movement of the Independent Diplomat Commission (IDC) gave birth to the Saintism Practise. Saintism Religion is about using the powers of Natural Mystic to regress to the Orthodox Teachings, perceiving Nature Equilibrium where Humans agree to accept other breeds by emanating energy from Mystic of Nature Philosophizing today man purported as Illusion Imagination.

Newest Saintism religion could impact lives of millionaires, billionaires and people that are exposed to all the atrocities being perpetuated by religious leaders in exploiting the black race, amongst other issues.  Saintism religion protects human race


Professor Alexia Thomas Founded Independent Diplomat Commission on the 6th May 2007 and later became the Company Secretary of Independent Diplomat Commission in July 16, 2010.

She founded The Commonwealth Liberation Party (Political Party In Britain) and she is the Party Leader and Nominating Officer of The Commonwealth Liberation Party which was registered on 25th March 2015.

She is the President And Chairman of Independent Diplomat Commission (IDC) till date.

She became the Company Director of Independent Diplomat Commission in August 13, 2009 and still waxing stronger as ever.

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