February 8, 2025
Brands and Marketing

Anie Ifeoma Amalonye: Making a difference with Ify Autos

Three years after starting an online auto business, Anie Ifeoma Amalonye is upbeat that her company has come to stay because, Ify Autos, which she started as an online car vendor in October 2019, has become one of the best examples of the viability of online businesses.

She expressed the optimism during her disclosure in a recent interview that “we now have a presence in North America, Canada especially, and in Africa, particularly Nigeria.”

With online businesses becoming mainstream due to the Covid-19 devastation of 2020, Ify Autos growth into a full-fledged business whose operation has expanded from North America to Africa, as explained by the country’s CEO recently when she said “Ify Autos currently deal in different automobiles brand, both new and used cars, including exotic brands like Rolls Royce,” is phenomenal.

The Ify Autos Chief Executive Officer, who is based in Canada, was educated in Nigeria, in the old Bendel and later Edo State, including a bachelor’s degree in Ambrose Alli University, a postgraduate diploma from the University of Port Harcourt and a masters in International Relations and Diplomacy from Ambrose Ali University. It was after lecturing at the Federal College of Education for about a decade that she relocated to Canada with her family.

Starting an auto business in 2019, wasn’t a trial-and-error undertaking for the Ify Autos owner who claimed that “I do a lot of research to be abreast with what is happening in the world of automobiles and with frequent feedback from my customers I know what is trending in the automobile world.”

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The experience of the Ify Autos CEO further reinforced the business philosophy of tenacity even when things are not going as preferred by entrepreneurs because eventually there will be a turnaround.

Ify Autos, according to Amalonye reached a turnaround “the day I got an order for a container of four cars” in the early year of the business.
“I screamed and wept in joy when I got credit notification,” she mused.

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