
Zika virus: What you must know

Zika virus has become an emergency issue all over the world, due to the ongoing outbreak of the virus, which 36 people including four pregnant women have been diagnosed with the virus. Zika virus is a mosquito-borne virus, which belongs to flavivirus where yellow fever and dengue fever also belongs. The virus was first identified in 1947 among Rhesus monkey in Uganda, and was later identified in human Zika virus is transmitted to people through the bite of an infected mosquito of Aedes genus, and it has been described as a daytime mosquito because it bites during morning and evening hours.

The virus is also said to transmitted through sexual contact, but only one case has been reported. Zika virus causes harm linked with cases of Gillian-Barre syndrome, a rare paralysis syndrome that may occur after some viral or bacterial infection, an also causes microcephaly-A child born with an abnormal small head. The virus has been widely spread in American countries and territories, and mostly in brazil countries. There is no treatment or vaccine available for Zika virus infection, but companies and scientist are still making effort to create vaccine for the virus. The virus can be contained locally by spraying insecticide, and clearing stagnant water where mosquito breed.

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