February 11, 2025

Woman with Massive Boobs Earns $1,300 a Day

This week on one of TLC’s program, Strange Love, features an Atlanta woman named Kristy Love, a woman known for her size 48NN breasts. She discussed how she has made a career out of her most prominent body parts. According to her, she makes approximately $1,300 per day as a masseuse.

After Love completed massage school she could not get a job. Employers viewed her size as a disadvantage, so she launched her own massage business and her clientele would often ask for her to take her top off. Currently Love provides massages, breast crushing and body gliding, a service in which she rubs oil on herself and slides all over her clients. Love’s breast weigh 31.8 pounds (equivalent to the weight of a two year old). When she was younger, she would wear two bras in order for her breasts to look smaller.

Overcoming her insecurities, Love decided to use her assets to the best of her advantage but she also thinks they are a bit lonely and needs to find love.

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