The Church in Year 2020

Anthony Bobori
Not even the various World wars have affected every country of the world simultaneous and tragically as the coronavirus pandemic of 2020. It claimed human lives indiscriminately and ruined economies of countries alike.
The pandemic inadvertently brought countries via collaborative scientific and humanitarian efforts together that political differences were either ignored or relegated albeit for a while.
Every government was taken by surprise and rendered temporarily ineffective by the advent of an invisible enemy which claimed the lives of their citizens without any warning and at such debilitating speed.
The Church as we know it was not exempt from the stealth of this microscopic deadly adversary so much that in the crossover celebrations, prophetic declarations and divine utterances on the first of January 2020 it was not mentioned.
A year later many parishioners are still reeling and wondering how a global catastrophe that had such a crippling and devastating effect on humanity could escape God’s attention and by deduction His prophets and prophetesses.
Not one prophet has been able to assuage congregational curiosity by presenting any logical answer. Instead, it has been conveniently swept under our various church carpets and the crossover of this year has seen these same prophets(esses) engage in business as usual.
There is something about 2020 and the Church and its prophetic arm or department. This same year hosted the American elections.
The prophets(esses) went gaga with prophetic utterances about Donald Trump being returned to the White House and serving a second term. These prophetic proclamations or declarations this time were global in nature.
Renowned or seasoned Men and Women of God such as Pat Robertson of the 700 Club, Paula White (who summoned angels from Africa and beyond), televangelist Kenneth Copeland (who laughed at the thought of Joe Biden winning the elections and have tendered an apology to Joe Biden since his victory), our own T.B. Joshua and ex-footballer turned preacher, pastor Taribo West were spewing prophecies in this regard from Africa, India and America and their words all aligned to Trump being God’s chosen candidate.
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Many of these prophets(esses) of God and their Churches lauded and extolled Trump’s Christian virtues (I know it’s crazy) claiming his has been anointed and chosen to fulfill God’s will and stymie and thwart the plan of the Anti-Christ.
Many of them based their acceptance of him on the misinformed and self-distorting premise that Trump had an aversion to gay people. Despite having appointed gay persons to his administration.
Funny as their disdain for gays, lesbians, all sinners and any other Christian outside their denominations seemingly contradicts and clashes with the God they claim to serve; who is an infinite embodiment of unrequited love to all and sundry.
Biden was sworn in on the 20th of January as the 46th POTUS whose ceremony was witnessed by the entire world without one prophetic utterance in his favour.
My question is ‘How could so many prophecies have missed the mark?’ and ‘What is going on in the prophetic arm of the Church?’ ‘Who can Church members now trust when perceived spiritual juggernauts are either not receiving or are misfiring in their prophecies?’
There is a story in the First book of Kings Chapter 22:1-39 about the prophet Micaiah, a true prophet of God and other prophets and King Ahab. I have stated verses 19-22 below:
19: “Then Micaiah continued, “Listen to what the LORD says! I saw the LORD sitting on his throne with all the armies of heaven around him, on his right and on his left. 20And the LORD said, ‘Who can entice Ahab to go into battle against Ramoth-gilead so he can be killed?’
“There were many suggestions, 21and finally a spirit approached the LORD and said, ‘I can do it!’ 22“‘How will you do this?’ the LORD asked. “And the spirit replied, ‘I will go out and inspire all of Ahab’s prophets to speak lies.’” ‘You will succeed,’ said the LORD. ‘Go ahead and do it.’” (NLT).
Could the above scenario have occurred to the Church in 2020? How else can the omission of the most significant seismic socio-political and economical earth moving occurrence in 2020 from the prophetic menu of those who pride themselves as speaking the mind of the Almighty 12 months in advance on the first day of every January be explained?
Let’s not forget the missed multiple Trump prophecies from seemingly respectable and before now reliable stalwart prophets and prophetesses of God that were miles off target.
There is a befitting passage in Lamentations 3:37 that reads thus, “Who is he [she] who speaks and it comes to pass; when the Lord has not commanded it?” (KJV).
Your guess is as good as mine.
Hebrew 12:2 implies that we should look unto only Jesus because he alone is the author and finisher of our faith. I cannot think of a better year that this passage was more apt than the year 2020. Can you?
Chief Bobori of Firm Foundation Ministry lives in England