Home Posts tagged Britain
Covid-19 News

Britain’s 1st COVID-19 medicine is approved & can shorten recovery time from 15 days to 11 Days

Britain’s 1st coronavirus medicine has been approved by regulators. The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency have signed off on remdesivir being handed to Covid-19 patients over 12 while trials with Gilead Sciences continue. The drug, according to reports, was initially intended for use on Ebola victims. Clinical trials suggest remdesivir can shorten

‘Brexit is a loss for us all’

Brexit Day is to be set in stone Wednesday when the European Parliament in Brussels casts a vote ratifying the terms of Britain’s divorce deal from the EU. The historic legislative act — the last for the 72 remaining British MEPs who will leave afterwards — will allow Brexit to officially take effect on Friday […]
News World

Us warns Greece against Iranian ship

The Iranian ship (Adrian Darya-1) has been denied help by Greece on the suspicion of shipping oil to Syria, prior to this denial the said ship was earlier detained in Gibraltar. In the words of Deputy foreign minister Miltiadis Varvitsiotis as he spoke to broadcaster ANT1 that his country was “not willing to facilitate the […]
Headlines News

Britain calls on Zimbabwe to rejoin international community after Mugabe’s resignation

Prime Minister Theresa May said Wednesday that Britain wants Zimbabwe to rejoin the international community following the resignation of Robert Mugabe. “We want to see that country rejoining the international community,” May told parliament. The African Union (AU) early Wednesday welcomed the resignation of Zimbabwean President Mugabe. Moussa Mahamat, Chairperson of the AU